
We just arrived at the headquarters. "Now, listen to me. The job of assistant might sound easy but it's almost all departments into one if you ask me" Taeyang said. "That's why I chose it. I wouldn't have to choose from the number of departments" I smiled. "Ah, Clever girl. Are you saying you wouldn't be my assistant if you could pick one of them?" Taeyang asked me while raising his eyebrow. "That's exactly what I'm saying" I stuck my tongue out to him. "Hey! I can fire you without you even having to start" Taeyang said. "Oh yeah? Do you want to do that?" I asked him. "Not really, so you better treat me like your boss here. I have a reputation to keep up" Taeyang said as he finally entered his office. I followed behind him and closed the door.

"What's the first thing I can do for you?" I asked. "First, you can go to the cafe near here and get me a coffee," Taeyang said. "Really? Is that it?" I asked. He nodded his head and looked at me as if I'm an alien. "Yes, was that not clear?" He asked me. "Fine, I'll get your coffee, sir," I said 'sir' a bit jokingly.

I walked out of the building while I just got here. A coffee? REALLY? I sighed and walked to the nearest cafe I could find. I quietly got in line until someone tapped my shoulder. I looked at the man. He seemed familiar. "Uhm, can I help you?" I asked him, still trying to figure out who he is. "Don't you remember me?" He asked. I shook my head. "Next please," The woman behind the bar said. "Wait, I'll be right back," I said to the man. I quickly order the coffee Taeyang wanted and walked back over to the man.

"Think Nabi, you have seen me briefly," The man said. I've seen him briefly? That's when I saw the light. "You're E! You were the one that was near the cafe!" I said, not entirely sure of my own words. "You're right. I am E" He said. "Why are you here? Aren't you going to get in trouble?" I asked. "I know where your sister is," He said as he held out his fist. I opened my hand and he let a piece of paper drop into my hand. "What is-" Before I could finish my sentence, he silenced me. "There is something else," He said. "You have a brother" 

I looked down at the paper in my hand. When I was about to talk again and look up, I noticed E was gone. What the- Where has he gone now? I wasn't done talking. One second he's here, the other second he disappeared. Not gonna lie, he looked good. Almost a little familiar. And I am not talking about the time at the cafe. E... whoever you really are, I think you're playing a dangerous game here and I don't like it. I don't know if I can trust you.

I carefully opened the piece of paper while walking out of the cafe. It had an address on it. 'I know where your sister is' My sister is here! I mean, I know he was going to get in trouble if someone found out, but could he at least explain a little more. Why is he helping me anyway? That's when I got a message.

Taeyang: Where is my coffee?

Me: Is that all you're worried about? What if I was gone for so long because I was kidnapped, or worse... DEAD

Taeyang: You're strong, I've seen you get over that incident way faster than other people do. You don't die easily, I know it.

Me: Still, you couldn't ask when I was coming back? Hmm?

Taeyang: Okay fine, when is my rose coming back.

Me: I am on my way.

Taeyang: Okay, see you soon!

Me: See you soon, boss.

I am going to get my sister back soon. I will not let my 'dad' hurt her. Torturing his own daughter like that, his own flesh and blood! I could kill him for what he's done but for now, I need to get back to Taeyang before he kills me for getting his coffee cold.

I act angry, coming into Taeyang's office. I put his coffee on his desk with a thud. "Hello to you too," Taeyang said with a sinister smile and took a sip of his coffee. "Were you really not worried about me?" I asked him. "Of course I was! But I don't show weakness" He said. "Oh no? Then what was last night? With the candles, saying how much you love me?" I laughed. "Shhh! We don't want people to hear you" Taeyang said. "Why not?" I asked. "They don't know," Taeyang said. "They don't know what?" I asked. "They don't know you're my girlfriend yet," He said. "Really? I think it's time they know. I mean, I think they're already suspecting it anyway" I said. "I mean yes. I mean, I'll tell them soon" He said.

"Can I go see Yoojin for a moment?" I asked while already heading for the door, but before I could leave, Taeyang was fast enough to run to the door and smack it shut. "No, you can't," Taeyang said. "Why not?" I asked. "When we took her to the park, that's when we used extra medicine on her. She needs to rest" Taeyang said. "What do you mean you used extra medicine?" I asked. "You saw her that morning, she's... she's dying, Nabi" Taeyang tried to say as careful as he could.

I wanted to say something but words couldn't leave my lips, instead, I just started crying. Taeyang immediately hugged me but because of this, my heart started aching again. Like, REALLY REALLY aching. I eventually fainted and Taeyang seemed to notice since I felt motionless. "Nabi?" He asked. He pulled me back a little and looked at me. My nose was bleeding. Taeyang quickly sat me down on a chair and gave me a tissue. "God Nabi, that's not a normal nosebleed, it's a nose waterfall," Taeyang said with a very concerned face. "I don't know what's wrong with me" I started crying again. "Hey, hey, hey! You're okay. Nothing is going to happen" Taeyang said. "To me, no. To Yoojin? I...I.." Taeyang looked at me "I am going to lose her too" I said with built-up tears in my eyes. "Too?" Taeyang asked. "Yes, my sister..." I said. "Right. Listen. All we can do is give Yoojin rest and all the reassuring she can get. She won't have enough energy to do much. As for your sister, I am going to help you find her" Taeyang said. "I already know how to get her back," I said. "You do?" Taeyang asked surprised. "Someone helped me, I got the address," I said and showed him the little note.

He looked at it attentively. "You sure we can trust this person?" Taeyang asked. "He was right about a lot till now. I think he is trustworthy" I said. "Okay, now, go and see Yoojin then," Taeyang said. I wiped the last bit of blood from under my nose and ran towards Yoojin's room. She was hooked up to everything again and it reminded me of yesterday when I saw her like this. She only looked worse than yesterday. I sat down next to her on a chair.

"Yoojin, Don't do this to me...

I can't lose you"

The end of this chapter.

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