Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {17}

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Lucky's POV:

After a couple weeks, my foot was finally better. I no longer had to wear the cast and I could go to school. But, I'm probably gonna have like a pile of homework waiting for me and I won't be able to get Danny and Sam to do things for me anymore. It was fun bossing them around like that.

Today was Sunday and I was sleeping. I didn't know what time it was, but I knew it was late in the morning. For a while, I felt something warm on my face. It smelled like, like.... bubble gum? I opened one eye wearily and saw nothing. But, then I heard someone whisper my name, "Lucky." The voice sounded familiar, but right now I was too tired to see who it was, so I just closed my eye and went back to sleep.

Someone then started shaking me, I felt like I was in an earthquake.

"Lucky, wake up!" the voice said.

"No!" I groaned. "Go away, Danny!"

"Do I sound like Danny to you?"

I tired to figure who it really was if it wasn't Danny. I reached my hand up and felt around the person's face. Then I felt around for his hand, once I found it, I grabbed it and pulled myself up. I strained to open my eyes and once I did, I saw who it was. Sam.

"Sam! What are you doing here?" I asked.

I was about to lie back down to go back to sleep, but Sam held onto my shoulders, to stop me.

"Well, I wanted to talk to Danny about something, but his room was locked and I've tried knocking, but he won't get up. So, I tried your room, but you were sleeping, so I thought I'd wait." he explained.

"Yeah, Danny's a heavy sleeper. But, how'd you get in the house?"

"Oh, I know where you guys hide the other key."

"Alright, I'll go wake Danny for you, just give me a second."


I got up, rubbing my eyes and walked into the bathroom. I took a look in the mirror and almost screamed. My hair was all puffed up to look like the bride of Frankenstein, my eyes had bags underneath them and I just looked straight up horrible. I decided to take a quick shower, because I knew if I tried to go back to sleep now, it wouldn't work. So, after my shower, I put on some clothes. I always kept some in the bathroom, in case of emergencies.

So, now I was just wearing a black tank top and a pair of shorts. I walked back into my room and found Sam lying down on my bed.

"Hey, sorry I took so long, I had to take a shower, I looked horrible." I said to him.

"It's alright. While you were gone, I took a little nap," Sam replied. "You know you're bed's really soft."

"I know."

I sat down on my bed with a straightener. I started straightening my hair and once I was done, I got up and started walking to Danny's room, Sam followed behind. Once I got to Danny's room, I took out a little black hair clip that was in the back pocket of my shorts and started picking the lock on the door. I got inside the room and over to Danny.

I smiled and then got on top of Danny. I got close to his ear and then started screaming, "Danny, help me! The whole house is on fire! My arms! My legs! They're burning!"

Danny jolted awake and looked at me all panicky.

"Lucky! Lucky! Are you alright?!" Danny cried.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I chuckled.

"Well, I thought, I thought the house was on fire!"

"Oh, it's not, I just needed you to get up."

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