Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {12} - Edited.

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Sam's POV:

When I got home with Danny, he invited me inside and since I had nothing better to do anyway. It was while Danny had run up to his room to dump his bag there, that I accidentally turned my eyes towards the window and spotted Kassie - who I just learned is actually Lucky - with that emo guy again.

They looked almost as if they were about to kiss and I suddenly felt a surge of jealous coursing through me. I didn't want that to happen between them and I also didn't want to see it happen either. I knew she was nothing to me, but I felt so frickin' attracted to her that I wanted her for only me, myself, and I.

An idea hit me then, or well actually two and I smiled knowingly to myself before turning around to find Danny coming back down the stairs.

"Hey, want something to eat before we start watchin' the game?" he asked me.

"Oh uh sure," my eyes darted towards the window and then back towards Danny.

"What's wrong?" Danny started walking towards me just like I knew he would.

"You probably shouldn't, Danny!" I tried to warn him. "I mean, it's not anything important, but..."

It was too late; Danny was already peering through the window at the two on the street. I watched as his expression change from fine to furious; his hands balled into two fists and slammed at the glass.

Danny didn't say anything to me, but just turned around on his heels and started for the front door. I smiled sinisterly; he wasn't too late, they hadn't kissed as of yet and Danny could just make it before it happened.

He pulled Lucky away, separating the two and she was dragged into the house, practically kicking and screaming. It wasn't until they started arguing that I finally figured out that I was wrong about them all along. Kassie was actually Lucky and Lucky was actually Kassie and there was nothing going on between Kassie/Lucky and Danny because they were brother and sister and Lucky/Kassie was actually the main interest of Danny instead.

They argued for a long time and somehow I was dragged into all of this as well. After that, I guess Lucky said a little too much and she ended up getting smacked. I swear, I've never seen Danny this pissed off before, but it's not like I've been around that long to know if this has happened before or not. But, he just didn't exactly look like the type of guy to get mad too often; he was the soft and sensitive type.

Danny left the room then with tears in his eyes and Lucky immediately began crying. I couldn't watch her like this; it hurt my heart to see her cry in front of me like that. I mean, it was mostly my fault that this was all happening right now. So, I decided that the best way to fix all of this was to help her out and plus, this might be a way to get a bit closer to her as well.

She agreed to it and I soon left her alone. In my room, I took a seat on my bed, smiling from ear to ear.

I got started on my second idea as soon as possible.

The plan was to do some research on the guy that Lucky is currently crushing on. I got one of the fellow nerds that were always looking up to me to get a hold of all the information he could get on the guy. Dave happened to be the smartest guy in the whole school and not to mention the fact that he's only a sophomore.

In return for helping me out, all I had to do was hook him up with one of the junior girls. Shouldn't be too hard, I mean, what girl wouldn't want a nerd for a boyfriend, right? I mean, they're smart and...well, they're smart and caring, I guess. Whatever, that was a problem to figure out for later.

It was Saturday afternoon when I was finally holding his school records in my hands. Dave had managed to sneak into the school a few hours ago and make a copy of the exact file and then sneak back out in just a matter of minutes.

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