Chapter 48

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Third-person POV

"I did my part. Now you take care of the rest." Said the woman to the man in black who picked up Alex's limp body and dropped it in his car.

"Don't worry. But what about her?" Asked the man pointing towards Selena, who laid unconscious in the passenger seat. The chemical in the freshener certainly did wonders in knocking down people.

"Don't worry about it. I will just have to pay for certain damages later on. But that is nothing I can't handle."


Alex's POV

A certain foul smell woke me up. I couldn't pinpoint what exacrly the smell was of but right now at this moment it really didn't matter. My head was killing me. It felt like thousand hammers hitting it. And that certainly isn't a good feeling.

My vision was blurry and when I tried to bring my hand towards my throbbing head, it seemed restrained. Though I won't say I was fully aware of my surrounding, there was one thing I certainly felt. The feeling of being tied down to a chair. Another thing I was quit aware of was the tracker cum audio bug hidden in the inner fold of my collars. Atleast I can hope that they save me when there is time.

A grunt escaped my lips as the headache seemed unbearable and my hands tried freeing themselves.

"I see you have woken up."  Now why does this scene feel familiar. My hands tried a bit more harder to free themselves. I wasn't ready to give up this earlier. But even I myself felt as though I was dumb.

"Now, now. Have bit of patience. If you won't it would only cause you trouble." But seemed like I was never a good listener. My body struggled harder.

"I am being serious young lady. I am saying it for your own good." Now that my sense felt a little more active, the voice seemed familiar. I tried to train my blurry vision towards the figure that stood on front of me. Finally when my eyes gained focus I recognized the man standing in front of me.

"Why would I trust my soon to be murdered?" I gritted out.


Daniel's POV

"Turn right."

"Right? Is this lady crazy why would she take the route that is totally opposite to that of the mall?"

"As of they were actually going to mall?" Countered Ryan.

"Point but generally people do use the destined route so that the investigators don't doubt them. Now, she totally gave herself away." I explained.

"You are highly overestimating her caliber." Ryan said. I nodded in reply.  Maybe I did.

"And when the place that they were supposed take Alex to seemed close from this route, why would they take the other?" Ryan continued.

"Like I said to cover their tracks. But as you said, probably they didn't use their brains to think about it."

"Point." Was his reply as he nodded in agreement.

Soon enough we reached the place which indicated the location of Sel. And even sooner could we see the desired car in site. Considering that this road was pretty much abandoned, it didn't have many spectators roaming around. And therefore, in this case, no one crowding around the familiar vehicle that had dashed into the tree.

"I swear, if there is so much as a scratch on Sel, I am going to turn her bald." I said as hoped out of the door.

"Bald? I will fucking make her experience hell in a way that she would think even boiling in hell was a better option." Ryan spoke out loud. And his every word held a promise. This is one of the few times you see Ryan this way. I am quite aware of his feelings towards my sister and so I totally support him right now. I am going to fucking kill that bastard, who is the mastermind.

We rushed towards the car, only to see smoke rising from the bonnet. Ryan beat me to go towards the passenger seat where we were aware that Sel was sitted. So I went to open the driver side, checking on Angel.

"Sel open your eyes!" Ryan gently shook her. Worry was evident in his eyes. My heart had also started throbbing hard. I could hear each beat clearly. I could only take a breath when I saw her eyes flutter a bit.
She is alright. Thank god.
I closed my eyes for a minute, sending a heartfelt gratitude to the one above.

"I will kill her." Ryan said as he looked towards Angel. It was now that I noticed that she too seemed unconcious.

"Angel?" I asked poking her arm. It is weird how the lady whom I loved so much once, made me feel so disgusted.

She didn't move at all. She seemed too still to be natural. That made me raise my eyebrow.

"Daniel.." Greeted a rasped voice that made me turn my face towards my dear sister. I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't woken up.

"Where is Alex? We need to find her. God knows what they would have done to her." Her worries were the same as mine. I wanted to yell out and bash someone up, but right now that would do us no help.

"Don't worry we will find her." Said Ryan as he gently pulled her out of the car. I put my fingers at Angel's wrist to check her pulse.
She is alive.

"Now we just need to wake her up. She can tell us where to find Alex." I said still staring at Angel.

"As if she will tell us the truth." Ryan said.

"Can't we just set this car on fire?" Started Ryan.

"Won't it look natural after an accident. Her death would also look like an accident." He continued.

"Are you serious?" Sel said as both me and her stared at him wide eyed. Just then I felt Angel moving her hand a bit.
Probably out of fear of being killed.
When I looked back at Ryan he smirked. And I was trying hard to control myself from laughing.

"Sure, go ahead. She almost killed my sister and I don't even know where she hid my lover. She is all yours." I said dropping her hand and distancing myself from the car. Ryan put his hand into his coat pocket and pulled out a lighter. I don't know why would he actually carry that. Then he lit it on. Hearing the sound of the lighter, Angel's body jerked.

"Dann...Daniel." called out Angel. Damn this would have been comical if I didn't have serious matters in hand.

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