Chapter 2

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Alex POV

He is looking at me.....
He is still looking at me.....
No scratch that he is staring at me... And it's getting hot here......

Wait, what are you saying? It's getting annoying.

We are in a car right now, and I am assuming the destination to be his place. But that is least of my concerns right now when his deep, I mean annoying stare and lack of words is bothering me.

"What?! Why are you looking at me?" I snap at him.

"My eyes my wish."

"Well, then my hands wish to pluck those eyeballs out off your sockets." The driver chuckled at that statement and in return, his dear owner glared at him.

"I have bought you and I have every right to see you, maid." He said in a stern voice. The driver coughed. Then Mr Asshole closed the black barrier window between the passenger and the driver.

"I am not your maid." I snapped.

"Sure you are." Saying that he pulled me by my waist so that we were inches apart. Well, that did make me gulp. I don't know what's going on right now. Oh shit, this looks pretty familiar to the scenes I watched in the dramas.

What will happen now?

Will we kiss?

Oh no that is not going to happen.

Concentrate, if he tries anything, hurt him in the no man's land.

"We have reached sir." The driver announced. He groaned at that.

"This is not over." He says and gets out of the car, he doesn't even open the door for me. What a gentleman. Note the sarcasm. What an asshole. I huff and get out of the car slamming the door shut.

"That's my fucking car! You just hurt my baby, you bitch." He yelled, I just smirked at him and continued walking up the stairs, happy to get the wanted reaction. Boys and their cars.

"What's the password?" I ask after reaching the door. It was a mansion, luxurious indeed but it didn't faze me.

"You know about this kind of doors?" He asks and I just roll my eyes.

"Welcome to twenty-first-century Mr Asshole. What do you want as proof? the inventor's name?"

"What did you just call me?"

"Door." I said pointing at the door. He glared at me and went to type in the password. So it's Daniel J something Adams huh... Just got to find out the J now.

"What are you pepping at?" He snapped.

"Nothing." I gave such an innocent look that could set a cat mile behind me. He just narrowed his eyes at that while the door opened. Arrogant asshole.

Once we entered the house we were greeted by a smooth and elderly voice.

"Welcome back Mr Daniel." Said an elderly woman and bowed down with respect. "Ma'am"

"Hello, Maria. This is..."

"Hello Maria, I am Alex." I gave her a gentle smile. She looks like a good lady. I may be a bitch but only to bitchy people.

"Wow, she is very pretty Mr Daniel. You have got a good choice." She said as her kind eyes looked at me. What a good lady. She sure has the nice judgment of people.

"No Maria you got that wrong she's the new maid here." Said Mr Asshole looking at her. It seems whenever he opens his mouth I just have one desire. The desire to kill, the one of blood lust.
Sure, keep telling yourself that. Said a voice from within.
What do you mean?
Are you sure it doesn't involve any other kind of lust?
Shut up! Ignoring the one within I replied to his statement.

"I am not your maid." I say through clenched teeth.

"Maria you can have the rest of the day off." He ordered.

"But Mr Daniel I haven't washed the utensils..."

"Don't worry about that, Alex will do that." He said cutting her off. What a rude bastard. But then it struck me. Did he just call my name?

"Me?" To say I was shocked was an understatement. I have never in my life picked up my own plate, let alone washed them.

"Yes, you. Now go, Maria. " Hearing that she left silently.

"Fucking asshole." I whisper.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." I say glaring at him. He removes his blazer and lays it on the couch.

"Our discussion wasn't over remember...." Damn those muscles. Alex snap out of it.

But they look so tasty...

Wait for what? Tasty? Where the hell did that come from?

"You will call me master, do you get me?" He said in his deep, husky voice.

"I will never call you that!" I say and raise my hand to punch him. He twists my hand so that it's against my back and presses me to the close-by wall. Then slowly bites my earlobe. An unwanted moan escapes my mouth.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you." Saying that he leaves me. And I was already missing his body heat. Not that I am going to say that out loud anytime soon in the near future, it would hurt my pride.

"Now get back to work."

"Work? What work?"

"Washing of utensils."

"Aren't you supposed to show me my room or something?" I ask.

"First work, then pleasure." I couldn't stop my mind from wandering to the dirty side.

"What if I don't know? I mean I have never washed utensils in my entire life." I told him the truth and it made him groan.

"Just my luck, I had to waste 400 thousand dollars on a clueless maid." He muttered and I heard it alright but I had to say this...

"What did you say?" I asked in silent warning. Let him utter those words again and I'll skin him alive. First, you think I'm worth just a few thousand dollars then you go on calling me a clueless maid. With all due respect to our helpers but this asshole needs to learn something called humble humanity.

"I don't bother repeating for idiots."

Ouch! Kill me right now, please.

Another insult was thrown at me, another blow at my pride.

"Follow me. I'll teach you." He said.

Idea!  I could literally hear evil laughs inside my head.

Sure buddy does teach me.

I followed him to the kitchen and watched him fold his sleeves neatly up, making me gulp at the visible veins that showed his workout output.

Dammit, couldn't my opponent be like that yellow teeth peabrain? It was so much easier to get revenge on him.

I hate the fact that this dude is handsome it is ruining my focus.

No Alex don't let his charms get to you.

That's the problem, he isn't doing anything charming but already had my eyes wandering.

No, I got to snap out.

"You do it like this, take the sponge and the liquid...." And I blocked you out. Take that Mr Asshole. He kept on doing and asking if I am getting it but I just shake my head and say no and ask stupid questions and he keeps on doing it, to teach me. At this point, I am no longer sure which one is more stupid, my questions or him.

"Okay, this is the last time I am showing you... Wait a second there are no more left... You little devil, you tricked me into cleaning the whole thing." He looked at me with fury burning in his eyes.


I am a dead man walking. Say goodbye to the world, Alex. But I have never even tried spitting on anyone to see how it feels! That is a weird imaginative last wish, forget it. 

Looking at his predatory gaze, I took a step back and he stepped forward. The next second I sprinted off and he behind me.

Like that he chased me around the house.

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