Chapter 33

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I could hear the bombardment of laughter from the living hall as I descended down the stairs. After dad texted the address via message I had planned on how I would make a grand entry.

A girl needs to take time to make sure that her cheating fiance knows what he is missing. Gracing my lips with the best charming smile it can manage I enter the sitting area.

"Hey Dave. How do you do?" I asked sitting on the armrest of the sofa where dad was seated. A laugh almost escaped my lips seeing his traumatic expression that he was trying so hard to hide. But instead I crossed my legs. That moment didn't go unnoticed by him. His eyes trailed up my legs and he gulped. Right, he indeed is a man.

Dad's eyes narrowed infinitesimally.

"I am doing really fine A." He said looking at my eyes this time. Finally the bastard knows where my eyes are.

"Really?!Doesn't look so. What happened to that handsome face of yours. It looks highly sleep deprived." I said making my face fall a bit. I always loved acting. And kept it for moments like these.

"Indeed those nights were endless as I tried finding you. I really missed you A." He said smiling his most charming smile that might have dropped many panties for him. But sad I am really resistant to that. Or rather you just found someone who is much more charming and capable than him.
Ignoring the inner voice I pay attention to the voice that spoke next.

"Were they endless nights or sleepless ones?" Asked Daniel standing next to me. If I wouldn't have felt his familiar warmth before I heard his deep voice I would have probably jumped up in fright.

Dave frowns but only for a second before concealing it with his tight lipped business smile. I looked towards Daniel to check his expression only to see that Daniel didn't even bother moving his facial muscles even in the slightestway possible. That's alright because this moron doesn't even deserve it.

"Dee. Honey I was hunting for you. In the whole house." There comes the brainless pain in ass. I roll my eyes as Angel enters the sitting area with her hands full with shopping bag. Got to say after having an implicit affair she surprisingly cleaned herself good.

"What is he a wild boar for you to hunt and feast on?" I asked looking at Angel. Ryan and Sel snickered on the sidelines.

"" Angel tried gasping to any what so ever come backs her brain could compile for her but sadly her brain was never in good condition.

Daniel bent towards me and whispered in my ear.

"A wild boar. It's a pretty rough animal you know. I might as well have to show you how tough an animal can get." He said trailing one of his long fingers against my spine. I forced down a delightful shiver due to his touch. I can't believe he is making a move when my dad is just inches from me. But his backside is facing you. He might not know.
What about Ma? She is sitting right opposite to us.
Exactly she won't see what her son is doing behind your back.

"Mr. Daniel nice to meet you." Dave interrupted our little moment and got up from his seat as he approached us. He put his hand forward for Daniel. Daniel raised his hand and gripped Dave's hand in a tight handshake. You could literally feel the high testosterone level of the room as they both sized each other up in silence. But then Dave broke the silence.

"We got interrupted before we could even introduce each other." He said smiling calmly.

"I don't think that's required. I already know what I need to know regarding you Mr. Jonathan." He said tilting his head. You could totally understand he was trying to indicate that he indeed knew a forbidden secret of the person standing in front of him.

"Indeed. That's great then. So I should apologize on the behalf of my fiancee if she offended you." He said smirking. As if indicating he has something that the other person doesn't. Well excuse me I am not a bloody thing and I swear I will make this little piece of shit understand that.

"Oh no. You need not. Trust me I am getting used to her sweet, innocent talks that have offended me unknowingly. You see these past days when she was staying with me we have bonded really well." Daniel replied. But that was not exactly where my attention was completely.  I could see the colour drain from Angel's face as she glanced in my direction but unfortunately for her my half of the face was covered due to the two bulky hunks standing in front of me.
Right now you know who is the boss.

"Sounds like an interesting story that I would really like to catch up with. It's a news to me that my Finacee has aquinted with a new friend after such a long time span. I took her for an introvert." He said highlighting the words 'my fiancee'.

I scoffed at his words and muttered slowly under my breath 'As if I was ever like what you thought me to be.'

"Its good to know about your opinion Mr. Jonathan.  According to the way you put your words, makes me feel really special about myself." Replied Daniel staring right into Dave's eyes as if challenging him regarding something that the innocent me can't understand.

You really have no idea how special you are to me Daniel. Special enough for me to hate to admit it to myself that you probably are my softest weakness.

"I can't wait to hear those stories then Mr. Daniel. But before that would you like to introduce me to this wonderful lady out here. As I have been already introduced to the rest of the family already."

"I was hoping you did know her already Mr. Dave. Don't you?" Asked Daniel.

"Excuse me?" Dave's composed voice wavered a bit. Even Angel in the background turned paper white.

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