Chapter 41

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Alex POV

"What the fuck! Who is this fucker that dared to do this."

"Shit." Me and Ryan looked at each other. It was an all to familiar voice but the one that we heard on screen. And really didn't want to hear in reality.

"Who the fuck is up there. Who dared to this to me." The strong, deep voice reverberated through the air.

"Who is this idiot that thinks he can yell at me. That little....." Yelled Daniel but before he could continue and say something that could make it worse for us, Ryan covered his mouth and dragged him away from the roof edge to avoid an face.

After that we scurried down the stairs like our asses were on fire. Me leading, Sel following, Ryan dragging Daniel along with him.

No wonder I find Sel much more sensible compared to Daniel. She accesses the scene, keeps her mouth shut and takes the required action. On the other Daniel, the smartasshole, doesn't have control over his action, far less over his words that he sputters out in the least required scenario possible.

The bucket was long abandoned behind the row of flower pots. And I was hoping it stays there unnoticed for a while.

Reaching the living area we occupied the sofas and switched on the TV. Making it look as natural as possible. Like we were a bunch of innocent adults simply enjoying a gather. And this statement had to be proven wrong by one particular jackass of our gathering.

"Why are you so freaked out by that asshole? I don't get you. Who the fuck does he think he is?" Daniel said loudly. You know what Adults can never be innocent.

"Woah bro! You see I am more clueless than you are. I don't even know who that 'he' is. Yet you don't see me jumping like a monkey now do you?"

"Are you calling me a monkey here?"

"Is that seriously all that you got?" Sel asked looking at him with frustration quite evident on her face.

"Why am I the monkey when he is at fault?" Daniel argued pointing towards the door.

"First of all it was our fault. So accept it." Sel said looking at him sternly.

"It was his fault that he stood there at that particular moment. He should blame it on his karma, not on us." Daniel retorted turning red.

"Trust me when I say that you loose all your god damn logic in war mode." Sel said trying to keep her calm.

"Isn't that his case always." I interfered.

"What did you say?" Daniel said through gritted teeth, looking at me.

"What you heard." I fired back.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, if I may disturb you for a bit. May I know who was up there on the roof?" Came a voice that would have actual cause fear to rise in me but I guess it was the heat of the previous argument that didn't allow my brain to process the voice.

"No you may not. Why do you always act like an Jackass. Don't you have brains? When I say something why don't you just listen and take it seriously?" I say with anger burning through each and every word that just left my mouth.

"Excuse me?!"

"Shut up fucker! You little piece of shit! Who do you think you are?" And that moment when I sputtered all the words that I truly, deeply regret bring out my mouth, I turned to look at a him standing there with all sorts of things dripping from him. And trust me all of them that were very, very familiar and those that definitely did not belong on him. Atleast wasn't meant to be.

"I am Jade. D.L. Jade." As soon as that came our of his mouth I didn't require any more confirmation regarding who the person standing in front of me was. I truly was hoping that the voice I heard on the roof top was just an illusion but seems like all odds are against me. Right now even my eyes didn't support me as they widen with fear when I looked at him like a dumb creature. I was hoping he takes that fear as ridiculousness of seeing him as the way he was looking at the very moment.

"OH MY GOD! I can't believe it's D.L. Jade! I am really standing in front of him. Damn." This was the first reaction that I could manage to bring out. The next set of words brought a huger effect on the people in front of me.

"I am a huge fan." I rushed towards his side and shook his slimy hands. Even though I had a Cheshires' smile I was cringing hard inside. Not only due to how disgusting it felt but also how disgusting it smelt.

"Huh?!" Was the only amused reply I got, not only from him but also others. Imagine fan girling over your future murder. That is one difficult task to do. And dears do not fear that is one thing I am great at.

"I watched your audio interview on Simphons and Bro and  I loved the speech you gave in it. It was so out of ordinary. " I said punching his right arm. Only regretting it when I saw his glare.

"You mean the one that had, 'I would kill anyone whose in my way.'" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yup. Definitely, the elimination of competitors are required." I said nodding. God blast me, out of all the possible places from where I heard about him, I had to mention the one which had something to do with killing.

"So, you mean if I see you as a threat you are allowing me to kill you?" Now he looked amused. A nervous laugh escaped my mouth.

"Elimination is required, kill not so much. Aaa..why don't we discuss my death-related issue after you have cleaned up? Huh?" I asked, hoping that he just goes away for the moment.

"Are you serious?" Daniel was on the verge of saying more when Ryan stomped on his leg to shut him up.

"You could use the washroom on the ground floor it is just around the corner. Butler Zo will lead the way." Ryan said with a smile on his face.

"What about the change of clothes?" Asked the beardy guy to Livid's right. Probably his right-hand man.

"Oh! That's nothing to worry about. My dear friend Daniel here has a huge collection of clothes. I will ready a pair for you. Your size seems to be similar, so it won't be a problem." Ryan replied politely. Never in my life did I ever think that Ryan had a polite bone in his body or the fact that he could show his professionalism ever.

"Excuse me that is my wardrobe you are talking about!" Daniel protested.

"Don't mind him. The clothes will be ready for you in five minutes. " Sel said cutting him off.

"You won't be poor if you give away a pair so shut up." Sel muttered to Daniel that was pretty much audible to everyone in the room. As soon as Butler Zo escorted Livid and his right-hand man, Daniel bursts. 

"How could you just allow a criminal into my house! Not only that but you also gave away my clothes to him." I was just hoping that they moved out of the hearing range. Cause now it was my time to explode.

"You little piece of shit. Can't you ever keep your mouth shut." I said infuriated.

"I am sorry if I am pissed with the fact that the person who is been hired to end you has entered the house." He said while stepping closure to me.

"Well the way you are behaving won't make it easy for me. You acting like a spoiled brat ain't gonna help with anything."

"Spoiled brat are you serious?" He had turned red by then.

"Daniel please calm down and think logically." I tried to calm him down and also myself.

"I am sorry if my god damn emotions for you are clouding my logic."

"So keep those away for now if you don't want me to die an earlier and painful death." I guess the things I uttered were wrongly put or probably he took it the wrong way. Because even I felt that it sounded as though I was accusing him.

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