Chapter 23

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It was late at night and yet I wasn't sleeping. Unfortunately I was occupied with another mission in my hand. I had silently borrowed Daniel's laptop without him knowing again like I have been doing for a while.

I was lying down on the sofa and trying find all the possible suspects that could be behind me getting involved in human trafficing. The most annoying thing was the fact that the list seemed to be to big. Almost never ending.

There could be only two reasons for someone doing it - (1) Either its a way to get back at my dad, (2) to get back at me.

To me the second one made more sense because no one knew who was Richard Stephen's daughter except.....

"What are you doing?" A groggy voice came from behind me that scared me to shit.

"Ahhh...." I toppled down the sofa then looked towards the source of voice.

"Do you want to kill me?" I asked a half awake Ryan.

"What are you doing?" He asked ignoring the previous statement.

"Hacking, trying to collect information, cutting down the suspects list." I said shurgging and lifting myself up from the ground.

"With out me." It was like his sleep suddenly vanished into thin air.

"I can manage."

"Ya right. I can see that. What do you want to take a whole eternity trying to hack these people." He said looking at the list of people I had jotted down, he  lifted the laptop smoothly from the sofa and placed it on his lap.

"Why the hell were you trying to hack Dave? He went bankrupt last year."

"He just was on my suspect list."

"He can't be a suspect because, one- he doesn't have the brains and two- he is in jail. And as far as I know he doesn't have any good friends or relatives that would help him out."

"You seem to know a lot."

"This is partically my job. I keep myself updated on people." Ryan said smirking. I got to say I was impressed.

"Who is the next suspect in your list?"


"But didn't you just search him out?"

"Not this one."

"You don't mean Dave Johnathan right?"

"I do mean him."

"But why? I mean how is he related to you."

"He is my so called fiance."

"He is your so called what?"


"No I heard that. Are you serious?"

"Yup ."


"I know."

"I salute your dad. From today he is my role model. how the heck did he hide so much?"

"That's just him."


"Did you get into his info?"


"What ?"

"You are doubting my ability."

"I dare not."

"Got in"

"You did? Oh my gosh! Damn man you are awesome."

"Oh I know it, tell me something new."

"Did you find something suspicious?"

"Well I did find a few clippings."

"Face recigonizion?"


"What are they about."

"Few suspicious looking people but I am not sure. I will have to tally it with existing records and that is going to take time so ..."

"So you need time. How long?"

"Well 2348 videoes. You tell me?" Ryan asked looking at me.

"A little while."

"A little?"

"A lot little while." I said sighing

"I will try my best so don't worry. It's just that its showing no face same except that of Dave that's why its going to take time. I need to find the records of each one of them and short list them."

"I feel like I am creating trouble for you." I say dully.

"You create that everyday but this my dear ain't trouble. This is one job that I love." He said smiling. I smiled back at him, thankful for having him here.

"Are there anymore suspects except him?"

"Yup ."

"How many?"

"Many more."

"First two topping your list?"

"Astrid Jackson."

"No he cant be a suspect. Cancel him out."


"Because he is stuck penniless in Bali and doing anything from there requires money."


"That's a long story. I will tell you later."

"Alright then." I said shrugging. I already have a lot on my plate to bother. I really don't care about others problem.

"Give me your suspect list. I will go through that too." Ryan said taking it from before I could even hand it over to him. That made me till my eyes.

"There is one more thing that could help us." Ryan said.

"What would that be?"

"We need to see the frequency of visits of people with your father. Especially at the places owned by you guys."

"To know the intentions of them."


"So you are going to trace out all the activities that were conducted there to get the core knowledge and that would make the possibility of peole more clear. Damn Ryan you are a genius."

"I know."

"Why didn't I think of it."

"That is the difference between you and me."

"Seriously. " I have him a blank look.

"Doesn't matter let's get back to work." He said. Really does he think I will be diverted so fast. Okay I agree I will. Because we have more important matter in hand. We both were totally focused towards the screen fishing out information that we didn't notice someone approaching.

"What are you two doing?"


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