Chapter 32

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After narrating the whole story to Ma and others me and Ryan sighed in relief. Whole time Ma looked towards Sel, as if asking for confirmation. When Sel nodded Ma lifted herself up and stood between Ryan and Sel. Pulling Sel off her seat she hugged them tightly.

"I am so sorry my babies. I doubted you." She said her eyes glistening with tears. Then she moved towards Daniel as one drop of tear escaped her left eye.

"Honey I never thought you went through all this. Makes me feel like a bad mom here. I can't believe I was about to force you to marry that bitch. To hell with her. And I'll make sure she is a ruin before she leaves this house. I swear."

"Ma it's ok. Even I can't believe I was about to get fooled by her once again." Daniel replied hugging his mom tight.

Ma broke the hug and straightened herself. A new found determination in her eyes as she rolled up the sleeves of her crips white formal shirt till her elbow.

"That bloody Angel is a goner." Stated Ma.

"So is that bloody Dave." Said my dad matching the same determination in Ma's eyes. That determination could be called as a killer determination by every sense of those words.

"Woahhhh....Stop. You guys ain't doing anything murderous anytime soon. " I said looking at them with my hands held in front, palms facing them.


"Because we are going to entertain ourselves with them before you guys indulge in ending them up." I said as evil twinkled in my eyes.

"I like the shine in your eyes. So please elaborate." Ma said.

"Since one actor is already in the house why not also bring her co-actor here as well."

"You don't mean to bring Dave here do you." Dad glared at me.

"Yes that's exactly what the plan is."

"Over my dead body."

"Come on dad." I whined. Literally. He was ruining my plan and that isn't fair. I got to have my part of fun okay.

"I would be a freaking insult to fathers if I allowed that cheating son of a bitch anywhere near my daughter again. So my answer is a big. Fat. No." He said sternly. Oh no you ain't doing that.

"I am not backing out from this dad. When I say I am doing something then I know exactly what I am doing. I have planned everything here dad. Don't ruin my plans. And I believe you know me better than anyone else. The people of mine who turn into enemies. I. Don't. Spare. Them. And anyways after I am done with them you can have them." I say.

"So I will get my share of torture then?" He asked.


"Then it's a deal." He said smiling darkly.

"Damn both father and daughter are darkly scary. Remind me never to cross them." Whispered Ryan.


"Hey son! How are you doing?" Yelled dad into his phone as he place his phone on speaker so that the other person was perfectly audible to one and all present in the room.

"I am fine Sir. What about you? Is your back still stiff?" Came a reply from the other side. At the last statement I raised a brow at dad. He didn't notice. Anyways it was funny seeing dad feighing excitement in his voice while his face showed absolute annoyance.

"Hon...." trailed a voice from behind. That was a pretty familiar voice. I believe they still weren't over with their business.

"Stay away." Said Dave in an annoyed voice. You practically see his red face for being caught red handed. Even though he is on speaker.

"Are you doing something right now Dave?" Dad asked seriously trying to hint something.

"Actually he might already be done with it." Said Ryan quietly.

"I feel they were still on it." I said.

"Wrong timing of ours then." He replied back. Then we both laughed at that reply. No timing could have been better than that of now.

"Is that Alex's voice." He said with disbelief in his voice. That's when I realised that I laughed a bit too loud. But it's funny he remembers the sound of my laughter.

"Yes. But answer my question boy." Dad said sternly. Oh this is getting interesting.  Taking my dad's tone into consideration the voice from the speaker said.

"Sir. I had come to meet Mr. Thompson and the secretary there is trying to cling on to me for whatever purpose. But I assure you sir that I have rejected her Sir and my bodyguard made sure she good feets away from me."

"Hey don't touch me. Stay away. You asshole I thought you were a good lad. And I thought you wanted me too." Yelled a lady at the background.

"Just because I smiled politely at you doesn't mean that I want you. I am already engaged miss, so I did appreciate if you restrain yourself, if you don't want to deal with further consequences." Dave said sternly. Damn these two are indeed a good pair of actors. They should try auditioning for Hollywood. This act literally made me snicker.

"Oh." Said dad trying to lighten his voice a bit. But his clinched fist indicated something else. Like the fact that if he had been before his eyes, Dave's face would have been in perfect disorder.

"Sir is there something you want from me?" Dave asked. Ma mouthed 'Tell him to come over.'

"Yes. Ah. I wanted you to come over." Dad said.

"Comeover to where?"

"Oh so foolish of me I'll text you the address." Dad says.

"Will Alex be there?" He asked.

"Indeed she will be."

"Then Sir I'll come over as soon as I can."

"I'll be waiting son." Dad grimaced at the endearment he was using for the bastard on the other side.

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