Chapter 46

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Alex's POV

"Why do you think so?" Asked Daniel.

"She was involved with Daniel since long. So it makes sense that she is included in this mess too." Said Sel.

"It seems like Dave has lost his senses. Why would he get her involved. I mean he surely won't want his plan going down the drain." Ryan countered.

"You are underestimating her. She ain't as simple as she seems." Said Sel.

"I meant she was dumb." Ryan corrected. 

"If she was dumb, she wouldn't be able to fool Daniel and our parents so easily." Sel argued.

"Well, Daniel was blind in his so-called love, to begin with. I mean there is no one dumber than him." Ryan said. In return, he got 'Hey!' from Daniel.

"And about your parents.....well you got a point. She does have a bit of brain." Ryan said nodding.

"But why would she risk her own life? I mean if as you said, getting involved with anything to do with Livid is life-threatening. Then why would she risk herself? Because the Angel I know cares about her life more than anything. She won't ever do something like this." Said Daniel. That set fire in some parts within me. I am not quite sure where.

"Don't talk like you know her so well." I said out loud.

"I didn't mean it like that..." Started Daniel. Ignoring him I continued.

"A woman in love will readily give herself up. In love she will do anything that her lover asks her to. Or if she is unaware of what she is getting herself into."

"You mean...." Ryan started only to be cut by Sel.

"Only to mean that since Dave is her lover, she will willing agree to participate in his plan. Or probablyshe isn'tquite familiarwith Livid."


"She left one of the most eligible bachelors for him, even after knowing the troubles she will get into for cheating on the heir of Adams and Co. And on top of that she is still engaged with the same old guy that we caught her cheating with. In short she has risked alot as well as stayed loyal. And even if it is not some loyaltything, she definitelyis getting something big out of this." Sel explained.

"I won't be surprised to know that this planning has been going on from a long time. And the fact that Angel returned back into Daniel's life is also a part of this planning." I continued.

"Why would you say that?" Daniel said staring at me. Now I am seriously doubting his feelings. So like usual I say what's on my mind.

"Are you sure you are over her?" I asked staring back at him.

"What has that got to do with any of this? I am just asking you so that I can understand it from your point of view." He replied. No matter what he says. Right now I am pissed. I feel like bashing him up. And more over I was angry with the fact that I felt this way. No one. No one has ever made me feel this way. And this my first time experiencing such new emotions that were god knows where within me.

"It is simple you idiot. She would be a great distraction. Not only is she your first love but also a person that our parents trust. Or atleast used to before we cleared out the facts. So it was easier for her to get into our household and monitor our moves to let him know." Sleep explained. No wonder I always felt her to be smarter.

"But why would he want to monitor Daniel?" Ryan asked.

"He didn't." I spoke up, gaining everyone's attention.

"He was monitoring me."

"I don't get it." Ryan asked.

"Angel appeared right after Alex come into Daniel's house. I don't think that is a coincidence." Sel continued.

"Me and Sel studied the sequence of events carefully so that we could at least understand a bit about them. So that means he already knew that I was here." I said.

"But then what about the phone call?" Daniel asked.

"I mean he sounded quite surprised."

"Acting brother. You do that in situations that ask for it. And we believe that he had already made up a back plan in case his plan of sending Alex far of didn't work. So the moment he got the news he executed it." Sel spoke up.

"And even if he was actually surprised he already had the plan B ready. So, it wasn't big of a deal to handle such situations." I continued.

"So what should we do?" Ryan asked.

"We wait." Daniel replied.

"Let them drop the bait, then we shall counter-attack. At this moment of time, it is the only and the best option." He continued. We all nod in agreement. Even though I am currently pissed at him but still what he said has a point. There are various things we are unaware of right now. Especially of what roles the opponents are playing. So the only thing we can currently do is prepare ourselves. 


For them to take action didn't take much long. The next day morning during breakfast seemed like their time to execute their plan.

"Alex are you free?" Asked Angel. And I just couldn't hide my surprise. Nor could Dave it seems. Seeing that he choked on his food.

"Excuse me." He said drinking water.

"Why?" This time it was Ma who asked. Suspicion quite clear on her face.

"I noticed that she has a great sense of fashion so I require her help to buy clothes for my next shoot." She said smiling at Ma.

"But don't they already prepare clothes for you?" This time it was me asking this question. More because I wanted to hear her answer and clear my doubts.

"This time it is different. We need to find clothes that we think describes us." She said smiling at me. And that smile looked deadlier by every second that passed. This surely is the time when the opponent has thrown the bait. Even though last night all of us had prepared ourselves and taken all the safety precautions required, deep within I was still scared. But this fear ain't gonna stop me. This time I will make sure that Dave goes down the drain.

"Sure." I replied. That made faces turn towards me. 

"Are you serious?" Asked Ryan, it seemed like he asked on behalf of the rest.

"Great, so I will be tagging along as well." Sel said. That made me look at her questioningly. In return, she looked towards Angel raising her eyebrow. Waiting for her opposition, for which she didn't have to wait long.

"Why would you want to join?" Asked Angel.

"To help you find a dress? Isn't that what you want?"

"Yes but...."

"Are you doubting my sense in fashion?" Sel asked. 

"No nothing like that. Sure you can join too." Angel replied forcing a smile. Seems like her plan had unexpected changes and she will have to rethink few things again.

"Let's go then." She said getting up from her seat.

"I need to change. Give me a minute." I said looking at her.

"Why what's wrong with this outfit?" She said giving me a glance.

"Something's missing." I shrugged.

"I need to be satisfied with my appearance." I continued.

"Me too. Give me a minute and I will be back with my hand back." Saying that both I and Sel got up and exited the room. Before diverging ways, we looked at each other and gave a smile. 

Secret message transferred.

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