Chapter 24

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"What are you doing?"


Ryan and me, both stilled. My head was searching every possible logical excuse we could give.

"We are watching movie." Ryan said smiling and facing towards Daniel.

"What? "

"Movie." I repeated.

"Really? Doesn't seem so." Daniel said looking at the screen. His glare was piercing through my sky as I avoided the eye contact. Shit this isn't how I wanted to reveal my identity.

He grabs the laptop from Ryan before any of us could react.

"Why the hell were you searching about Dave Johnathan?" he asked giving a suspicious glare.

"Just because..."

"Just because he is your business rival and I should update myself about his short comings. " Ryan said laughing lightly.

"Bullshit. You expect me to buy it. Then why the hell did you try to relate him to Mr. Richard?" He aske accusingly.

"Shit busted." Ryan whispered under his breath. I huffed. There is no way out of this right now. I looked at him and asked.

"What do you want to know?"

"How about everything."

"My name is Alexandra Stephens."

"So?" He asked. Then me and Ryan just looked at him before his mouth formed an big 'O'. Finally realization hit him.

"Are you sure she is Mr. Richard's daughter? " He asked looking at Ryan.

"You doubt my skills?" Ryan asked with a blank face.

"No but she doesn't seem to fit the image by  any angle."

"Excuse me?!" What the hell does he mean?

"Now tell me what is going on?" He asked with a serious face.

"I just feel my getting involved into the trafficking business isn't as simple as it looks. So...."

"So trying to find the person behind it."


"Count me in."


"You are in." Me and Ryan say together. But me not agreeing to have him involved in it, while Ryan seemed to have different thoughts.

"Your thoughts don't count." Daniel said look towards me.

"Excuse me. I am the prime person involved in this mess."

"That's why you should shut up and let the outsides do the rescuing job."

"That's the first time I am hearing something like this."

Then I was ignored. I mean are these people serious it is none of their business, it's all mine. So why the hell are the getting involved in it and working so hard. I have never had anyone do these things for me. And that's why they are making me fear the unknown. Something that I have never felt. I was used to people come and go. But now I fear I will be broken if they leave in the near or far future. 

My growing attachment towards them is bad. Especial towards the tan skinned guy with devilish look. I am afraid he is going to be my breaking point. Daniel what the hell are you doing to me.


The next morning when I stirred in the comfortable warmth, all thoughts of me waking up vanished. I snuggled into the warmth, in return the warmth tightened its arm around me.

"Oh my god! They look so cute." A shrill voice woke me up with a start. Reacting to that I banged my head to something or rather someone.

"Damn it!" The raspy voice cursed. Probably because I hit his chin hard. That's when I realised the position we were in. Daniel was laying down on the sofa while me on top of him. The red veil crept up my face at the embarrassing position we were in. The worst thing is that there were two pair of eyes staring intently at us. Sub-consciously I hid my face in his chest. 

I could feel the vibration of his chuckle even before I could hear it. Damn it. The next I guess I was probably inspired by Flash because I was off him and standing at the end of the sofa in no time, almost tripping over Ryan who lying dead, well not actually but still anyone who did see him would think the same.

Selena kicks him on his butt that stirs him awake. When he faced us we could literally see his panda eyes. And I wouldn't be surprised if we both looked the same as well.

"What exactly were you guys doing throughout the night to look like zombies?" Selena asked curiously. Maria nodded along.

"Nothing much. I had an idea in my head regarding a software so I was trying it out, therefore, I asked these two to help me out." Daniel replied to her.

"Ryan being here is understandable but what about her?" She asked skeptically. 

"I have basic computing skills. So I was helping them out through a viewer's perspective." I said trying to save my ass. I really didn't want anyone else interfering in this matter.

"Damn woman you are so cool." She said smiling. But her smile didn't last for long. There was a drastic change in her expression. And I just had to tilt my head to look in the direction she was looking at to understand the reason why, because even my mood had turned from embarrassed to sour.

"Not a single day when I don't have to see the bitch's face." Selena muttered under her breathe.

"Sel." Daniel said as a warning.

"Don't tell me she has enchanted you all over again. Cause you are a fucking pathetic person if you get manipulated by her all over again." Selena literally burst out. If Ryan was half asleep then, now he was all awake and ready for a drama. And I am pretty sure the person whom it was for had heard it loud and clear.

"Selena you better shut up."

"I won't what the hell would you do? First, get your mind straight then lecture others."

"SELENA" You could see Daniel turn red from anger. And that for some unknown reason caused a weird pain in my chest. Why the hell is he trying to defend the girl that had hurt him so bad?

"It's alright. I don't mind her." She said whimpering. Damn what an actor she is. 

"Don't be hurt by her words she has always had a blade for a tongue." Daniel said consoling her. are you serious anyone could see she was faking it. Men are so easily fooled by fake tears. But I had enough of this. How dare he point out at my good friend this way.

"Excuse me. Who are you to judge huh? Look at yourself first, you can't even spot the difference between fake and real tears and you dare point Selena out." I said defensively.

"How do know if its fake or real. And about the matter you all are worried about, she has already apologized to me for it. So just let that matter go." Daniel said. I couldn't believe this dude. 

"So that's all it took. An apology for you to accept her back." I asked accusingly. He stared at me for a while wordlessly. While I could feel my tear glands awakening and my insides breaking at the unanswered silence. Why is this even affecting me. It shouldn't. He is nothing to me. But still right now I was a mess. And this is probably what I was afraid of.

The Rebellious Maidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें