Chapter 37

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I was strolling around the second floor corridor, trying to digest my over eaten food and also exploring and counting the actual number of rooms. I was on room number 6 right now that was the room allotted to the you know who (Angel). When I heard a low voiced conversation trying to make its way out.

And that just drove me close to the door. What is it with me and my unexpected eavesdropping. 
The problem is what is it with you? Always trying to stick your ear into others matter.
I thought it was nose.
But you are sticking your ear to the door you idiot.  I am all for the reference.
You got a point.

"Why didn't you tell me she was here." That was sure as hell Dave.

"As if I knew who she was." And the response belonged to Angel. It didnt take a genius to understand who they were referring to. It definitely was the beauty standing on the other side of the door listening to them.
Also known to be a crackhead. I rolled my eyes at my subconscious, telling her where to shove her opinion.

"Couldn't you find out who all you are living with. Damn, I gave you more credit than you deserved." The pacing increased.

"Excuse me!" Angel shrieked highly offended. I stood there rubbing my ear from that voice. I could only imagine what Dave's reaction to it was.

"How did she escape? I thought I made sure she was away for good. How the hell did she land up here?" Dave spoke with his voice full of exasperation. I could imagine him pulling his hair with his right hand, as he always does when he is frustrated. Trust me he always did that when I was around.
Atleast for the first time in your life you knew the exact person to frustrate.
Would you ever shut up.
No. Not until the day you die.

"So what are you planning to do now? Because it ain't of any benefit to cry over spilled milk." Said Angel. The pacing in the room ceased for a moment.
Damn who knew this woman could be logical.

"You are right. I need to find out answers. Right now I just hope that she doesn't know I was the one behind this matter." He said.

"Where are you planning to get the answers from?" Angel asked curiously. I couldn't help but lean in a bit more. So was I. Curious I mean.

"The same one I had trusted this with."

"And who was that."


"Livid? Who the heck is that?"

"No one you should know."


I sat on the swing that was in the backyard. This place had turned into one of my favorite places because of the greeny and silence that spread here. It is like a secret heaven. Embraces you away from the continuous buzzing of life.

I sat there thinking about all I had heard. When did my life get so messed up. And why the hell did this punk have to get involved with him.

Derek Livid.

A very dangerous man of the underworld. Those who knew him didn't cross him ever. And those who didn't, hopefully they would never have to find out. The moment I heard his name, I had paled already wondering the consequences I will have to go through just because of my stupid assed fiance that is so determined to get rid of me.

Angel didn't know him and I wish she doesn't have to. I mean, ya, she is a bitch, my enemy and everything in the middle but I wouldn't want for anyone to be in this guy's hit list.

"Hey. Alex, what's wrong?" I felt a hand on my shoulder that made my body tingle due to the sparks. Slowly my dazed eyes cleared up to look at the concerned face of Daniel. When did he get here?

"What's wrong? You look worried." The space between his brows creased as he looked intently at me.

"Yo mates! Wanna try Maria's new dish." Ryan entered the place were we sat facing each other. Then he stopped for a moment and sniffed the air.
Can this dude get any more weird?

"I can smell tense air, with the spice of trouble due to the unknown dangerous name." He said deeply.
He indeed can get weirder.

"Why that face beautiful? Is Derek Livid chasing you down?" He asked laughing at me.

If only he knew that what he was joking about was so close to the truth. And probably he did understand by look on my face.

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