Chapter 40

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Alex POV

"Ahhhhh!!!!" Came the shrill voices, mixed, entangled and both full of fright. As soon as the scream left my mouth I pushed myself away from the god damn table and stared wide-eyed at the shadowed that moved there, trying to come out.

I started kicking the shadow. When the shadow emitted a painful grunt, my kicks got stronger.

"Ouch! Damn it. Do you want to kill me?" Came a familiar voice.

"Ryan? Ryan, is that really you?" I asked. The moment I noticed his truffle of blonde hair, I was a hundred per cent sure.

"Ryan out!"

"Hey that's not fair. I thought that the game was on hold. You can't do this to me. I almost died of heart failure due to you." He said denying the fact that he was caught.

"Really I could have said the same thing, the shadow lurking in the dark." I said huffing.

"As if I could have been more scarier than a ghostly lady who covers her face with the curtain of her hair." He retorted.

"I almost thought that this room was actually hunted." He said lying flat on the ground, clutching his chest.

"Me too." I followed his action. Just then heavy footsteps were heard. And the painting of the old women that hung on the wall fell. and that surely didn't help the fright we had just gotten out of. With a jerk, we both suddenly got up waiting for the ghost to appear. We both clutched the nearby objects and were ready to throw it at the ghost just in case it got hurt.

"It was good knowing you." Ryan said dramatically. I nodded back. I was just hoping this wasn't the last time knowing each other.  Just then the door creaked open and a foot stepped in, closing my eyes I threw the thing in hand towards whatever that had entered then.

"What the fuck! Are you planning to kill me?" Hearing the familiar voice curse and repeat the same old dialogue made me open my eyes.

"Dammit Daniel." I was up on feet, running towards him clutching him tightly and banging my left fist on to his chest. A few minutes later I felt his hands envelope me.

"You scared the shit out of me." Closing my eyes and hugging him tighter. I totally believe he could feel the fast racing heart of mine, as I could his.

"If this is the reaction I would get every time I scare you, I would be happy to oblige. " He said smiling as he stared down at me.

"Which one? Throwing things at you. I wouldn't need you to scare me for that. I would happily do that even if you don't give me a reason to."

"I meant this." He said pulling me closer. That made my face burn up, so I hide it in his chest.

"Daniel out." Came Sel's sing-song voice. I peeped out to look at a grinning Sel and in seconds my face matched her grin.

"Hey that's not fair." Daniel said looking at Sel.

"I was distracted." He continued.

"Not my fault." She retorted.

"You can't do that." He argued.

"There is no rule book stating that." She said and stuck her tongue out.

"Damn you to hell." He said frustrated.

"Meet you there brother." Sel said smiling cheekily.


"Since you guys official lost, get ready for the consequences." Said Sel rubbing her palms, as a wicked smile graced her lips. That made me laugh. Very wickedly indeed. As much as we were enjoying this victory, the other party seemed as much terrified.

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