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Caspian left the kings quarters close to midnight. The king couldn't resist the seduction of Caspian. A knock on the kings door took him out of his thought. There stood a hand maid a very familiar one. "Your mother requested you for dinner this evening" Greta said. Harry left her in the dust as he made his way to the dining hall.
His mother didn't look very pleased one bit. "Take a seat" She said. Harry took a seat on the other side of the table. "We are having a guest join us this evening" she said. Mother always tried to set Harry up with eligible bachelorettes. He always refused them to the last.
Harry looked over at the door to see a boy enter the room. "Which whore house did you come from" Harry asked. The boy looked over at Anne who shot a look back at her son. "I'm sorry for my devil of a son" Anne said. The boy took a seat close by the king who he took an awe in.
The young boy didn't say a thing throughout dinner. Every now and then Harry would jab a snarky remark at him. The young boy would only show expressions never words.
After dinner Harry followed the young boy to his room. The boy thought he was alone when he noticed the king. "Why don't you speak" Harry asked. I had my tongue cut out the boy signed. Causing the king to burst out laughing. The young boy didn't know how to react to the king.
"What are you here for" Harry asked. Im your new hand maid he signed. "I don't need a hand maid" Harry said. The young boy didn't take that as a very convincing answer. He looked around his room it was filthy. Wine bottles were everywhere dirty clothes were scattered around. Bullshit he signed.
The king slapped the young boy with anger. Making the boy hold his face. "Tell whoever brought you here to take you back" Harry said. The young boy left the kings quarters.

The young boy went to the maids quarters. Greta was in the kitchen making Anne her breakfast. Greta saw the boy holding his face with a teary face. "Did he hit you" Greta said. She brought the boy a stool to sit on. He said he didn't need a hand maid I said bullshit and then his hand met my face he signed. Greta hugged the crying boy.
"Don't let him get to you" Greta said. Why is he so brutal he signed. "His father made him like that he wasn't always so brutal" Greta said. Greta wiped his tears from the crying boys face. The Kings bell rang in the kitchen which meant the young boy was called back.
He went into the kings quarters once again. "Did you go cry to the hag" Harry said. The boy didn't say anything as he waited for another insult. "She's scum anyway" Harry said. She's a kind lady he signed. Harry chuckled Greta wasn't kind at all. She played the part well but she was far from it. The young boy stood in silence while the king ate his breakfast.
The king didn't say another word to the boy. "What is your name" Harry asked. Wouldn't you like to know the boy signed. The king stood up from the table making his way to the young boy. The king put his hands on the young boy once again causing bruises to form on his neck.
"You May be a hand maid but your nothing" Harry said. Releasing the boy he ran out of the kings quarters. The young boy didn't hold back his tears as he silently cried. He could hear the cold laughter of the king.
The young boy knew who he could turn to for advice. But he didn't know if the rumor was true about Greta. He went to Anne's quarters. He knocked on her door. The young boy entered.

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