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Harry eventually was called back to the palace. Louis pouted, he wanted Harry to stay with him. Harry gave him a quick goodbye kiss. Tony stayed back with Louis, while Ezekiel left with Harry. The prince stayed out to enjoy the festivities for a few more hours. Tony may have snuck in a few roses and a flower crown for Franklin. "I couldn't imagine the king in a flower crown" Tony said. Louis went looking for Harry, while Tony looked for Franklin. "Madam Clarice have you seen Franklin" Tony asked. "He should be in the kitchen" Clarice said. Clarice saw the love in Tony's face for her son.
Tony went down to the kitchen, he was lucky enough not to see anyone else. Tony placed his hand over Franklins eyes causing the boy to gasp. "I wonder who this handsome knight could be" Franklin said. Tony took his hand away from Franklins eyes. "I snuck these in for you" Tony said. Holding up a Bouquet of the reddest roses, he placed the flower crown on Franklins head. "I love it thank you Tony" Franklin said. The older man couldn't help but kiss Franklins cheek. Tony noticed Franklins shyness. "No need to be shy around me" Tony said. Franklin trusted Tony he knew he wouldn't hurt him. "Has anyone ever given you gifts" Tony said. Franklin shook his head no with defeat. "A lover has never given you gifts" Tony said. "I've never been in love with anyone, except for a handsome knight from Doncaster" Franklin said. "I'm flattered by that complement precious Franklin" Tony said. "It's true you are handsome, anyone with eyes can see it" Franklin said. "Thank you dear Franklin" Tony said.
Louis searched for Harry everywhere, his last resort was to wait. The prince hated waiting. He didn't know that Harry was torturing the person who gave him the ability to speak. It was close to sun down when Harry finally showed up. Louis was disappointed in the king for leaving him for so long. "Wh-ere we-re you" Louis asked. Harry kissed the top of his head gently, he noticed the flowers on the table. "We're those for me" Harry asked. Louis nodded he avoided his gaze. "I would give you an explanation but it's complicated" Harry said. Louis felt tears form in his eyes. "Did you Ch-eat" Louis asked. "No of course not" Harry said. "Wh-y d-Id you le-ave me" Louis asked. "I had business that needed attending" Harry said. Louis went back to reading the book in his hands. "Thank you for the roses" Harry said. Louis ignored him, he was lost in the words that were Jane Eyre. Louis was very literate when it came to his reading. He favored the classics of his day. Johanna insisted Louis learn Shakespeares collections. From Midsummer Nights Dream to Macbeth. His first ever Shakespearean book was Romeo and Juliet. After his experience with Romeo and Juliet, Louis locked himself in his room. He had to take in all that he read without any distractions.
Louis looked up from Jane Eyre, he noticed Harry was gone. The roses were placed in a vase by the window. Deep down Louis knew that he was in the wrong for what he did, by ignoring the king. He couldn't help that Jane Eyre was a masterpiece in disguise.

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