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The cries of the people filled the streets. Babies were shivering from the lack of heat. Tony and Louis retrieved two carts full of blankets and bread. The bread cart also had water from inside the castle walls. Holiday joined the two of them a few minutes later. "Cart one has blankets Cart two has bread" Tony said. Holidays men brought out soup in tin cups. The townspeople were frightened by their kindness. "We mean you no harm" Holiday said. The townspeople saw a warmth in the eldest king. Slowly approaching the three men the towns people took the blankets and food. "How can we repay you for this kind offer" a women said. "No need for repayment this is all out of generosity from Prince Louis of Doncaster" Holiday said. The elderly women glanced at the mute prince. "We thank you for your generosity" The women said. Louis smiled gently nodding his head. One by one the townspeople gathered to the carts.
Meanwhile in the castle the ruthless king was watching. Louis could feel his eyes burning the back of his head. "He's watching us" Holiday said. Louis knew exactly who he was talking about, sending him a nod. An elderly woman with a baby in her arms slowly walked up to the cart. "The mother died of hypothermia and starvation, I'm too old to be the poor dears care taker" She said. Louis glanced over at Holiday. Holiday being the generous person he was, he took the baby inside the castle. "Does the baby have a name" Tony asked. "His name is Arthur" She said. The baby looked to be on his last leg. His lips were turning blue. Holiday went inside to make sure the baby received nutrients. His wife Aylina was in the tea parlor. Holiday rushed in with the baby wrapped in a potato sack. "Good heavens my dear you look worried" Aylina said. "A elderly women showed up with a baby, the mother died of hypothermia and starvation" Holiday said. He showed her the baby's delicate face. "Does he have a name" Aylina asked. "Arthur" Holiday said. "Like King Arthur from the round table myths" Aylina asked. Holiday nodded, just then the baby moved. "My love let me have him" Aylina said. Holiday handed the baby over to Aylina. She carefully arose from her seat with the baby in her arms. "Arthur Carnaryn I like the sound of that" Aylina said. Holiday called for a cradle to be brought into the room. A hand maid didn't question the visiting kings request. A moment later the maid set out the cradle in the place Holiday and Aylina suggested.
"Perhaps, the baby and I head home" Aylina said. Holiday agreed that Aylina would head back to the kingdom with the baby. Holiday would meet them after all the madness has died down. So that night Holiday watched as the Carnaryn carriage rode off into the night, leaving him behind in the ruthless kings land. He had to be strong for the future prince of the Carnaryn Kingdom. Holiday did not have long to think before a familiar ally's carriage made its way to the castle doors. "Good evening King Carnaryn it is a delight to see you again" the man said. He wasn't just any commoner. Holiday was speaking to the Prime Minister, Bennett Before Holiday could speak Bennet was half way inside the castle. "Inform the rightful king of this god awful place that Prime Minister Bennet is here" Bennet said. Holiday didn't hesitate to rush to find King Harry.
The prime minister made his way into the common room. There he saw Louis, the vision was clear. Louis would be the next rightful king to serve with Harry.

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