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One year later

Louis woke to a knock on the door. It was Tony. "Sorry to wake you My King" Tony teased. Louis rolled his eyes. Today was coronation day, Louis would be crowned king of London. "I wish Harry could see this" Louis said. The prince knew Harry would be watching from heaven. With a smile on his face. Louis never stopped loving the king after his death. He visited his grave everyday.
"Shall we get you ready" Tony said. A few hand maids helped Louis get ready. By noon he was ready to be crowned king.
Tony and Louis left the palace in a carriage. "Reminds me of when we arrived here all those years ago" Louis said. "You've grown into a fine young man" Tony said. The carriage stopped, Franklin opened the door. Tony pecked his cheek. "Thank you Frankie" Tony said. Tony guided Louis into the meeting hall. The townspeople cheered as Louis entered the palace. Apollo and his boys were also in attendance.
"Prince Louis of Doncaster, today is a new chapter of your life, you will be crowned king of London" Bennett said. "I am ready to take on this role as king" Louis said. Then the meeting hall chanted. "May god bless the King" Louis smiled. Bennett placed the crown that once sat upon Harry's head. "Wear this crown with Pride during your reign" Bennett said. Louis turned around the meeting hall cheered. "Now presenting King Louis of London" Bennett said. Today was a new beginning of Louis life. He once was a young prince from a small kingdom. Now he's a King of London fulfilling what his lover once reigned. Long may Louis reign, God save the king.
After Louis coronation he visited Harry's grave. Accompanied by Ezekiel of course. "Are you sure you want to do this alone" Ezekiel asked. Louis nodded, he walked up to Harry's grave.
"Hi my love, I became the king of London as you wished I'd be....I never stopped thinking about you" Louis felt the crown on his head. "How in gods name did you wear this thing constantly it's heavy" Louis missed him terribly. Before he left he kissed the tomb stone, just like he did during Harry's funeral. Throughout Louis reign as King he felt Harry's presence with him. He knew a lot of people were happier now that he was gone. But Louis will always find ways to bring remembrance for the fallen king.
When Louis returned to the palace he went into his room. On the vanity was Harry's cross necklace that he wore. Just like the wedding ring Louis vowed to himself that he would never take off the necklace. By wearing the necklace he knew he would always have Harry with him as he takes kingship with the Kingdom, and Monarchy.

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