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Louis received word that Prime Minister Bennet has arrived. The prince had to take matters into his own hands. He decided to meet with Bennet. Louis knew Harry wouldn't be in the right mindset. Louis walked into the common room with his nerves on his shoulders. "Good afternoon Prince Louis" Bennet said. Louis kindly greeted the Prime minister with the same response. "I've heard the terrible thing that happened to King Harry" Bennet said. Louis nodded, Louis wishes that Harry were here to make a snark remark to the Prime Minister. "Word has it that Joaquin Risotto is dead" Bennet asked. Louis nodded taking a sip of his tea. The prime minster himself was a equal personality man. He could make you feel invincible one moment the next he would have you sleeping with the fishes. Behind closed doors Harry and Bennet spoke of uniting the three kingdoms. King Zion would've refused but he is dead, it still remains a mystery as to who killed him. The killer is in the palace of London. Bennet is too gullible to even open his eyes to look at the evidence around him. During Zions funeral Bennet suspected something from Harry but never put the pieces together. Zions son was the king in training to take over when Zions time collapsed. The eldest sons coronation Harry was there, before Risotto's attack on London Harry was planning a trip to discuss business with the eldest son. "Would you be interested in meeting with Eldon of the Wetlands" Bennet asked. "What wo-ou-ld we dis-cuss" Louis asked. "The idea of uniting the three kingdoms" Bennet said. Louis liked the idea of uniting the three kingdoms. He's never seen a unification as big as three kingdoms. He's only dreamed of seeing The Wetlands, Carnaryn, and London in a fantasy that happens in his dream. Harry never brings up the idea of unification in discussion. But he imagines a world with everyone unified. King Robin liked the way of three separate kingdoms. The idea of unification was without a doubt a unthinkable for Harry's father. King Robin believed the three kingdoms were unstable to be ruled together. All King Robin wished and lusted for was war. That's what killed him. "You must be deep in thought young prince" Bennet smirked. "I'm in" Louis said. "We leave at dawn" Louis said. Bennet and Louis shook hands, Bennet took a drink of his red wine. After the meeting with Bennet, Louis checked in on Harry. The king had an untouched plate of food in front of him. "You don't want your food to get cold" Louis said. "I waited for you" Harry said. Louis poured Harry a glass of water, Harry's hand grabbed Louis wrist. "You're going to the Wetlands" Harry asked. "You're unstable to meet with Eldon" Louis said. "Do you have any idea what your walking into...The Wetlands are filled with the worst kinds of people" Harry said. "I'm a prince I can make my own decisions" Louis said. Harry fell silent as he chewed his food, watching Louis rant like a child. "That mouth can get you in trouble when you meet with Eldon" Harry said. Louis pushed the food of his lap, straddling the kings waist. "I suggest you put me in my place" Louis said. Harry kissed Louis deeply running his hands in his hair. "Let's put on a show for Tony" Louis whispered in the kings ear. "Naughty little thing" Harry said. Smirking as he kissed him back.

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