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Antonio's soft lips felt velvety on mine. "Have you ever kissed a colored man" Antonio asked. I shook my head no, I never thought about it. Antonio's hands continued to massage my back. "Do you like the massage young prince" Antonio asked. I smiled softly with satisfaction. I moaned slightly as a answer. "You seem to be enjoying it" Antonio said. I was enjoying his hands on my back. His soft hands so soft that they didn't have the slightest rough patch. His lips felt soft against mine when he kissed me. "The palace is having a Easter ball would you like to join me" I asked. Antonio was quiet for a moment before answering. "I'll be sure to dress naked for everyone to see my glory" Antonio teased. Kissing me again on my neck, his lips sent me away. Antonio then turned me over after he finished the heavenly massage. "Shall I be naked to at the Easter ball" I asked. His eyes met mine. "Only if you like to be" Antonio said. "We wouldn't want to scare any people now would we" I asked. He nipped my ear before answering. "We can bring that back here" Antonio whispered. I blushed again, I couldn't get enough of him. Antonio and I continued to lay next to each other. His soft hands explored my naked torso even more. "I want to see what you're hiding under this pesky shirt" I teased. Antonio began to unbutton his shirt, going slower and slower as he reached the top button. "You'd really like to see" Antonio teased. I nodded never taking eyes off him. The shirt was off in a few minutes. His milk chocolate skin was exposed to my vision. His eyes looked at my body the way that I looked at his. A small smile was on his lips as he caught me looking at him, I looked away. "Don't be shy, have your look" Antonio said. I brought my gaze back to him, when I did his lips met mine with a kiss once more. The thought of going back to see the king hasn't crossed my mind. Not until I mentioned the Easter Ball, just the thought of going back made me tense. Antonio noticed this tension as he pulled away. "Everything alright" Antonio asked. I didn't want to lie to him. Should I tell him the reason why I'm here, why I'm so tense?

The evening of the Easter Ball was eventful. Antonio and I left the brothel around five thirty when the event started at six. Max was amazed as was I at how well Antonio cleaned up. "Bring back a bottle of champagne" Max asked. "I'm sure that won't be a problem" Antonio said. Apollo was meeting a few new clients when Antonio and I were leaving. Max stopped us at the door. "Be careful Antonio, we wouldn't want anything to happen to you" Max said. Antonio would be entering the snake pitt, his skin color would stand out. I knew people would look at him differently.
A carriage arrived around five thirty, Antonio and I both left soon after. "What if the king doesn't appreciate me being your eye candy" Antonio asked. I simply pecked his lips with a smile. "Make him jealous my love" I said. Antonio kissed my lips back adding a bit of passion. "That I can work with" Antonio said. The carriage stopped in front of the outside of the palace. "It's show time" I said. The door opened to the carriage. Townspeople gathered around the entrance to see who I was accompanied by. Antonio gripped my hand tightly with nerves. I ran my thumb over the back of his hand. "Now presenting Prince Louis of Doncaster" a guard said. The palace doors opened the music was heard for miles. Looking over at Antonio his nerves went away. "Welcome to the Easter Ball, it's good to see you again" Holiday said. "As to you, Holiday you remember Antonio from the tailor shop" I said. "Ah yes, what a delight it is to see you again you clean up quite well in a suit" Holiday said. "Thank you King Carnaryn" Antonio said. "He's also polite, where'd you find him Louis" Holiday asked. "From a far away land up north" I said. "Antonio if you need anything at all don't hesitate to reach out" Holiday said. "Yes sir" Antonio said. Holiday then left to go socialize with other guests. "That was King Carnaryn for you" I said. "Quite the socialist I'd say" Antonio said. Antonio and I grabbed a few drink before people came to speak with us. Every now and then I'd glance over at Antonio. Young women, older women and a few young men spoke to him. The evening was going quite well, almost too well. "Prince Louis of Doncaster I thought I saw you enter my palace" Harry said. Here we go.

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