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"Tonight we are crossing the cold bitter seas to make land fall, our neighbor country sleeps, while we creep into there shores, if tonight goes well we will kill the Prince of Doncaster once in for all" Joaquin said. His men cheered as the icy cold wind blew along. The water below inched the Diana Bette closer to Englands shores. All of Doncaster was destroyed, except for the Prince himself. Joaquin would not rest until the young prince was dead. After the takeover of Doncaster Joaquin and his men went back to Amsterdam. Joaquin Risotto gave a informative message to the Netherlands government. "Tonight we will kill the Prince of Doncaster" Joaquin said. "But sir, King Harry of England rules these lands" Roger said. Joaquin knew well enough about the ruthless king. He recalls the time he killed Harry's father. "Why would I worry about a pathetic King as he" Joaquin said. Joaquin took a swift aim to King Robins heart, watching him fall to his death. "I was the one who killed King Harry's father, I don't have a inch of worry" Joaquin said.
London slept soundly as the Diana Bette crept into its port. Sadly Tony was no where in sight. Joaquin and his men made landfall. Overnight Joaquin and his men looked over there grand plan. "Come morning this city will know who we are" Joaquin said. "What about the townspeople do we annihilate them" Roger asked. "Forget the townspeople, go for the crown and kill the prince bring me his head" Joaquin said. His men nodded with evil grins as they rose their swords. "Tomorrow blood will be shed" Joaquin said. His men chanted the infamous battle cry. Sleep well London, a horrendous day is on the way.

Louis and Harry slept at each others side. Not knowing what lies on the outside. Tony was caught off guard when he was also fast asleep with Franklin. Everyone would be in for a rude awakening. It wouldn't be until six am when the take over began. Tony arose to do his rounds, checking in with the other knights. His eyes made contact with the port. He noticed the Amsterdam flag, fear grew. Tony ran to alert the entire knighthood to get ready to fight. "Wake up, Joaquin Risotto and his men are here" Tony shouted while banging on the doors of the knights. The knights arose moments later to aid with Tony. "Where's the king" one asked. "Someone alert him that Risotto is on our land" Tony shouted. The knight went running to go alert the sleeping king. "King Harry, Joaquin Risotto is on our land" the knight shouted. The king showed up not long after. The knight was Ezekiel, Harry ordered him to stay in front of his door. "Protect Louis" Harry said. Ezekiel nodded, Holiday showed in his night robe. "What is the madness about" Holiday asked. "Joaquin Risotto is on our land, he's looking for Louis" Harry said. "How do you know" Holiday asked. "He's the last heir of the Doncaster kingdom" Harry said. Holidays eyes went wide as he heard the news. "How is that so groundbreaking" Harry asked. He walked past Holiday to go find Tony. "Take Louis back to your kingdom, I want him safe" Harry said. Holiday nodded, Louis was watching out the window. "I'm taking you to my kingdom, London is under attack" Holiday said. Louis grabbed a few books along with some other belongings. Harry entered there shared room, he hated to see his love cry. Harry kissed his tears away. "I'll see you again my love don't cry for me" Harry said. "It'll be over soon young prince" Holiday said. Ezekiel headed off with Holiday and Louis as they took a ancient route towards the Carnaryn kingdom. Louis had no other choice to leave. Holiday told him everything that Harry wanted. The young prince knew this was for the best. "W-ill Harry K-ill Ri-so-tto" Louis asked. "All we must do is have hope" Holiday said. Louis didn't want to have hope, he needed to know the answer. Joaquin Risotto had a brutal role on the princes upbringing. Don't worry I won't repeat myself, go back away to find out.
As the three of them made it to the Carnaryn kingdom a woman was waiting outside. "Home so soon" she said.

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