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Antonio and Louis were enjoying a morning together. Last nights events tired Louis out. Antonio kissed Louis on the cheek waiting for him to wake up. Louis pretended to sleep for a moment longer. Antonio was about to remove the blankets when a knock on the church doors startled them. "Are you expecting anyone young prince" Antonio teased with a kiss to his cheek. Antonio got out of bed to answer the door. "Prince Louis is needed at the palace by noon today" Tony said. "I'll inform him thank you" Antonio said. Tony rode back towards the palace. Louis was sitting up in bed rubbing his tired eyes. "Who was it" Louis asked. "You're needed at the palace for something he didn't say" Antonio said. Louis grabbed a robe and made it just in time to see who it was. Tony was a few yards away on horse back. "Tony" Louis shouted. Tony turned around, he came back towards Louis. "Why am I needed at the palace" Louis asked. "Harry's getting put on trial with Princess Euphemia Zions eldest daughter" Tony said. "What does that have to do with me" Louis asked. "Holiday thought it would be best for you to testify" Tony said. Louis rolled his eyes with annoyance, of course he suggested it. "I'll be there" Louis said. Tony nodded with a small smile before riding off towards the palace. Louis felt the anxieties set in again if seeing Harry.
Louis went back into the old church. Most of the boys were up, some were at clients houses. Antonio met him at the door. "Hey are you ok" Antonio asked. Louis nodded. "I'm anxious is all about seeing him again" Louis said. "Would you like me to accompany you" Antonio asked. Louis nodded with a blushed face. "Afterwards I can give you a massage" Antonio said. Louis felt shivers go up his spine. He remembered the last massage as a enjoyable moment. Antonio kissed him on the lips. The other boys teased them by making fake gagging noises. "Get a room you two this isn't a brothel" Apollo teased. Louis liked having the feeling of calmness. Compared to the palace he always felt like he was walking on eggshells. Although he did miss Tony bantering about Franklin, and Holiday gossiping about with the latest party guest. Louis began to eat his breakfast with the rest of them. "Who do you think will win at the trial today Apollo" Bram asked. Louis hated the way Bram brought it up. "Hard to say..." Apollo said. "I for one am team Euphemia" Bram said. Shooting a glance towards Louis. "What made you decide that" Louis asked. "At least she doesn't lie to your face" Bram said. Apollo felt the tension beginning to build. "Boys stop this arguing this instant" Apollo firmly said. Bram looked at his plate full of food avoiding Apollos glance. Antonio reached for Louis hand but he avoided it. He got up from the table to go back to the bed that Antonio shares. He hit the mattress and he felt relaxed. Staring at the ceiling he saw a faint cross painted. Looking around more he saw more of the mural. He couldn't take his eyes off it. Antonio soon entered the room to check on him. "What was that argument about" Antonio asked. "I got lost in the moment" Louis said. Louis didn't look over at him instead he continued to focus on the mural. "Have you ever noticed this mural on the ceiling" Louis asked. After that he felt the bed dip, Antonio joined him. "All I see is white paint" Antonio said. Louis took another take, he still saw the mural. "Maybe it's a magic mural only meant for prince's to see" Antonio teased. "It should be for everyone to see it not just me" Louis said. Antonio propped Louis up, the prince straddled his waist, Louis began to grind on his crotch. Antonio's eyes rolled back as he felt the friction. "Imagine if took these pesky pants off" Louis teased. Antonio watched as Louis removed them seductively. "Let's make them all wait" Louis said. "Fashionably late" Antonio teased. "I'll walk in looking roughly fucked, hearing gasps all around, it'll be wonderful" Louis said. Antonio moved Louis to the bottom, this time the prince was on his stomach. "A rough fuck is what I'm good for" Antonio said. Roughly pulling Louis hair causing a wince to escape his lips. "Please don't hurt me good sir, I have court today" Louis said. "I'll make sure to leave nice marks on your sweet body, that's mine" Antonio said. "Make me remember you good sir while in court" Louis said. "I'll be sure you'll be able to feel me every time you walk" Antonio said. 

To Be Continued....

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