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Harry snuck out of the palace the night before the trial began. He saw Antonio with a man who wasn't Louis. Antonio was acting the same way he was with Louis. When Antonio left the man he was alone as he walked home. Harry stalked him like prey as he made his way towards the church. He caught him as he walked in the alley way. "What games are you playing at" Harry asked. Harry pinned a knife up by Antonio's neck. "You've finally seen my little lie, I don't love the prince" Antonio said. Harry tightened the grip on the knife. "It was all a act" Antonio said. That's when Harry saw red, he took Antonio to the dungeons. There the rat king himself greeted Antonio with a smile. "Let me go" Antonio cried. Harry gave him a pre written letter. "You're going to sign your name saying you went back to America" Harry said. Antonio didn't hesitate to sign. Harry then stabbed Antonio in the heart with the same knife. The boy fell to the ground. "Feed em to the rats" Harry said. The rat king obeyed the kings orders and began to chop Antonio's body up. Harry sent Tony to give Louis the letter.

Tony arrived to the old church the next morning with the letter. Apollo answered, Tony instructed him to give the letter to Louis. He did just that. "A knight came early this morning to give you this" Apollo said. He handed the letter to Louis. "It says he went back to America" Louis said. Apollo felt betrayed, all the boys did when they found out. "The king orders you to come back to the palace" Tony said. Louis only nodded, he knew his time with the angels was over. But they'd meet again. Louis went to go pack his things. On the nightstand was a picture of the two of them. He was about to bring it with him. He knew it would be better here left with the angels. Max entered the room, his eyes red from crying. "I don't want you to go" Max said. Louis pulled him in for a hug. "Come visit the palace anytime you like" Louis said. "I'm going to live my princess Maxine fantasy" Max said. Louis laughed at Max's comments ruffling his hair. The last person he said his goodbyes to was Apollo. The man himself was in his study. "Leaving so soon" Apollo asked. Louis nodded. "Don't forget about us, kid" Apollo said. "I'll be sure to pop in and see my brothers" Louis said. That made Apollos heart beat faster. Louis thought of the boys as brothers. "Well I'm too old to be a brother" Apollo said. "You know what I mean" Louis said. Apollo chuckled slightly before giving Louis a hug. "I have eyes everywhere, if you need anything at all don't hesitate to call" Apollo said. Louis nodded, he heard the exact thing to Georgie when he first arrived. After that Louis left with Tony. The two rode back on Tony's horse. "I don't want to see him" Louis said.

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