"Oh my gosh, he's gotten even cuter. I didn't think that was humanly possible." She gushes, whispering as she leans over his crib.

"He looks so much more like Tristan. " she comments as I nod, smiling. Everyone keeps saying that and they're not wrong.

The fact that I carried him for nine months only for him to turn out looking like his father...

I watch Stella as she walks away from his crib, marching towards me. "So what do you have planned for him so far?"

"He has meetings all day so I think he would like a quiet evening. I'm gonna cook him a special dinner." I tell her as we walk into the closet.

"That's so sweet." She smiles. "What are you going to wear?" She asks but I shrug my shoulders.

"This is why you got me." She reassures me. "Do you still have the lingerie I got you?" She questions while I stand there, taken back.

"Um, w-what?"

"I distinctly remember buying you a lot of pairs when you got out of the hospital." She reminds me. I haven't forgotten, I just really wish she hadn't asked me that.

"They're in my drawer."

"Ahah, I knew you wouldn't throw them away." She yells, making me flinch."Sorry." She replies, lowering her voice after reminding her the baby is still asleep.

"I can't wear those." I shake my head, suddenly getting anxious. I vividly recall how provocative they were.

"Ugh, why are you so stressed out. Just put them on like you would any other day." She states. I go dead silent, rubbing my arms up and down. I don't know what to say to her, I've never done anything like this.

"Wait, you've never done this before?" She asks, raising her brows as she waits for me to answer.

"Um, no?" I shyly admit as I rub my arms up and down. I've always felt kind of embarrassed that I'm not experienced in things like these.

Stella, however, she's an expert. She exudes so much femininity and I've seen how seductive she can be with guys. I, however, get all shy and nervous.

"It's okay. It's nothing to be ashamed of." She assures me, making me smile. I nod at her, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Okay, first things first, we need to pick the perfect outfit for you." She chirps, clapping her hands then going through the closet.

Suddenly, a loud cry erupts, making us both flinch. Realizing Eric is awake, I run in to the nursery to check up on him.

"Shh, it's okay." I whisper, picking him up and holding him against me, wrapping his little blanket around him as he continues to cry.

"Here, you want to play with him?" I say, handing him his favourite little teddy bear. That makes him quiet down as he holds him in his little hands. I grab his pacifier and give it to him so he can suckle on it. It makes him more calm.

I go back into the closet to find Stella there, still deciding on what to pick.

"Hey, Eric. Did you miss me?" She mutters, leaning down to kiss him. He just stares at her with a blank expression.

"Guess not." She says, shrugging her shoulders and resuming what she was doing.

"It's not your fault." I assure her. "He's usually grumpy after he wakes up from a nap." I say, looking down at him and swiping my thumb across his little cheek.

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