Chapter 23

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Enjoy, you gorgeous beans❤❤

Aurora's POV:

"I don't fucking care, just get him on the phone." Tristan growls as he paces around the plane, rubbing his forehead. Meanwhile, I'm sat, curled up in my seat watching him as he blazes into fury.

He hasn't even told me what happened, but I know it's something bad since we had to leave Greece immediately. Should I even ask him? What if it's something personal?

"I'm on my way." He says before hanging up and aggresively slamming the phone onto the table next to him. He slumps back on his seat and circles his fingers on his temple. I stay in my seat, watching him wide-eyed. He snaps his head at me and I look away.

"Come here." He hums, leaning on his elbow and motioning me over. I hesitate at first but I walk over to him, playing with the hem of my dress nervously. He reaches for my hand and sits me on his lap, rearranging me so I straddle him with ease.

"I'm so fucking stressed." He sighs, bowing his head on my chest and pulling me close.

"D-Did something happen?" I tell him as he takes both my hands and wraps them around his neck.

"Nothing you need to worry about." He answers, looking over my face. I'm very curious to what could've made him this stressed. But he won't tell me.

"Please tell me." I request, as places a chaste kiss on my lips and backing away, the same worried look stuck on his face.

"You really want to know, huh?" He questions and I nod. "Well I certainly won't say no to my beautiful wife." He hums, his eyes staring at my lips as I blush a dark red, curtaining my face with my hair.

"The house's been shot up and everyone was inside." He informs me and I frown, getting worried by the second. Is everyone okay?

"B-But Claire, a-and Aylina and D-Dianne." I ramble before he cut me off. I really need to know if any of them are hurt or not. Oh God, what if something happened to them?

"Don't worry, love. Nothing happened to them." He reassures me, his hand moving my hair from my face. "Do you understand now why I don't want you getting out without permission?" He asks, raising his brows and I immediately nod. So much has happened during these past few weeks and it has opened up my eyes to a lot of things. This whole Mafia thing is so dangerous, I'd rather stay inside from now on.

"Good. Once we land, I'll drive you to our house and I'll go to check on things. You'll not be allowed to leave the house under any circumstances, unless you're with me." He tells me and I twist my brows in sadness. I don't want to be in the house alone, I want to go with him to see everyone. I want to see if they're okay.

He eventually sets me down next to him and wraps his arms around me. And since I'm tired and never slept, I drifted off to a deep slumber.


We've landed safely and are now sat in the car as we drive to the new house. But to be honest, I want to go with Tristan and see everyone. I'll doubt he'll allow me but it's worth the shot.

"Uh, Tristan?" I manage to get his attention which was previously on his phone.

"Yes, my love?"

"Please, can I come with you? I-I want to see everyone." I request, hoping that he will say yes. I don't know why but I got emotionally attached to his family. Probably because I've never had a family and they've treated me like I was part of them. So I really want to check up on them. I just hope he lets me.

"Love, we discussed this. It's not safe." He strictly states, grabbing my hand and putting in on his knee.

"B-But please, I-I just want to see them. I miss them. Please, let me go with you." I plead, looking up at him as a frowm tugs harshly on his face.

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