Chapter 87

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Tristan's POV:

In the span of a few weeks, my priorities have drastically shifted. The fact that I was dealing with a human trafficking ring has struck me hard. And I was starting to focus my attention on freeing as many women as I can.

I've tried my best to be discreet and not to cause any suspicion which has been working in my favor so far. The boss has forgotten about the hit he took out on Aurora and was more concerned on the women that were missing.

Considering I wasn't the latest member and I had gained their trust by implicating myself in their most difficult assassinations, I was in the clear. As far as they know, I am oblivious of any human trafficking that's taking place.

The contract is no longer Brett's and hasn't been for weeks. It's an open hit out for who can get to Aurora first but I'm not worried because Brett and my men have been keeping tabs on each contract killer targeting Aurora.

In other words, she's safe. I know for a fact no one will be able to reach her. As for me, I have taken a reckless route which can ultimately get me killed in any minute.

I am taking a huge risk doing what I'm doing and the men around here are running around in circles to find out what's happening. And once they do, I'll be dead. I doubt they'll be too pleased when they realize I'm the culprit behind the loss of their hundreds of millions worth of income.

But even if my plans go awry, at least I'll know my wife and my son are protected and taken care of. That's all I'm here for.

I stood in the shooting range, reloading the ammo into my gun before aiming at my target. I continue shooting till I empty it out before placing the gun down and sighing to myself.

Suddenly, my thoughts are abruptly interrupted by the footsteps behind me. "Gabe, Boss wants to talk to you" Miles tells me, grabbing my shoulder.

"Any particular reason?" I question, turning around to face him.

"I believe he has another task for you." He tells me, his eyes glued to his phone before he tucks it into his pocket.

"Who's the target?" I deduce, reaching into my pocket. I take out a cigarette and place it between my lips.

"Highly sought after drug lord. He's been slacking off with payments and we need to send out a message that we're not to be messed with." He informs me as I nod to myself, lighting up the cigarette.

"Try not to get your head blown off." He smirks with a smug look on his face, giving me a pat on the shoulder.

"I'll do my best."  I reply bluntly. The only thing that's been keeping me somewhat sane is the fact that I get to take my rage out on whatever target they've acquired. Murdering these lowlifes has been keeping my anger at bay.

"You can go to his office, he'll explain everything in detail." He adds and I nod to myself before walking away.

I'm thinking I should wrap this up quickly. By the end of this week, I'll have gotten all the information I want and there'll be no reason for me to stay here any longer.

Aurora's POV:

My days were beginning to feel repetitive and I was starting to grow more and more depressed with how this situation is progressing.

I had spent my time so far switching between taking care of Eric and worrying about Tristan. In my free time, I would drown myself in imagining the worst possible situations Tristan could be in right this instant.

I've always strived to find a silver linings in every cloud and that's what got me through some dark times in my life. However, this time is different. I can sense something is wrong and I feel like I am just waiting for something to strike me. It's an uneasy sensation that has been lingering with me ever since this whole ordeal started.

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