Chapter 73

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Aurora's POV:

In just the matter of a few days, things were back to normal. I was starting to get a hang of taking care of a baby. I'm not fully there yet though. That would take a lot more time but I'm managing.

Although, I do feel like I'm going to pass out from exhaustion at any moment. My and Tristan's sleep is often disrupted at night by the baby crying. Although, I'm usually the one to wake up seeing as I have to breastfeed him.

But even tired and sleep deprived, I still couldn't be more grateful for everything that I have. It's actually crazy to think of how drastically things changed for me in the span of two years. I still can't wrap my head around it.

Everytime I hold Eric in my arms or just glance at Tristan, it hits me. I have a family. It's a love I never felt ever since my mother died and a feeling I never thought I would experience again.

As I stood in front on the closet folding clothes, I hear Eric move around in his bassinet, letting out little soft cries. I rush over to see him moving about. He's about to wake up. I try to coo him so he can go back to sleep but he keeps stirring around. He soon quiets down his cries as I sigh and go back to what I was doing.

Suddenly, the silence is erupted by his loud cries. I run over to him, reaching down to him and holding him in my arms."What's wrong?" I coo in a soft voice while carrying him but he keeps crying.

"Shh, it's okay, baby. I'm right here." I blubber, holding him up and hugging him against my chest, he sniffles but keeps crying as I rock him slightly whilst shushing his cries. "Why are you crying?" I rethorically ask in a soft voice as he places his little hand on my neck and the other on my back. I support his little head and nuzzle him in my neck. "Are you hungry? Is that it?"

This is the best feeling in the entire world. Your baby safe in your arms. I've never felt this happy and content in my entire life. I love my son with every fiber of my being. I can't imagine life without him. He was the missing piece I needed.

Knowing he's hungry, I unclip my bra and hold him in my my arms and start breastfeeding him. I keep looking down at his angelic face as he stares up at me with drowsy eyes. I watch his little throat bob up and down as he continues to feed. He doesn't latch on properly yet and it's so painful. I haven't gotten the slightest bit used to it. But this seems to be one of the few things that calms him down.

I can't believe he's already two weeks old. It feels as if just yesterday I was in labour. Smiling down at him, he starts to open his eyes before he pulls away from me, indicating he's full.

Standing up, I gently place him down on the bed to adjust my clothes again. As I do, the phone starts to ring to which I rush to answer it, knowing it's Tristan. He's been taking care of me ever since I got out of the hospital, but today he went to run some errands to get some things that we needed.

I answer the call, placing the phone against my ear. "Hello." I greet, waiting for his voice to go through. "Hey, baby. Do you need anything else before I come back?" He asks and I shake my head. "No, thank you." I reply. "How are things going?" He questions, the sound of the car wheels audible in the background.

"Everything's okay. I'm just waiting for you to come back." I assure him. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes." He says before hanging up. I place the phone down and sit back on the bed, looking into the empty lounge.

I forgot to mention that today, I've started organizing the baby's nursery. All the furniture was delivered yesterday so Tristan and I are going to try finishing it this afternoon. Hopefully.

I'm guessing it'll take us some extra time because Tristan won't allow me to do any heavy lifting so I'll probably just organize everything in the drawers and make the room look more warm.

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