Chapter 52

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Aurora's POV:

Mommy, it hurts. Why are you doing that?

It's okay, mommy. I'm safe up here now. You don't have to cry.

I love you, Mommy.

I wake up, alarmed, jumping off the bed. I hold on to my stomach and cry. I cry to the point where the life gets sucked out of me. To the point where I just want to end the pain. I keep crying, imagining my baby in my arms. Imagining growing up as I watch over it, every step it makes.

I can't live with myself. I just can't. I feel like this is my fault. I'm the one who should've been more careful. I'm the one who shouldn't have trusted Claire.

After sobbing for what feels like forever, I finally pick myself up from the floor, feeling dehydrated and tired.

I tiredly go into the bathroom and splash some water on my flushed face. God, I feel so uncomfortable.

I stare at myself in the mirror and frown, immediately looking away. Lifting up my top, I feel a slight pain in my abdomen. I look down and glance at the recent, rather noticeable scar. My heart tightens and my eyes start watering again.

I'll never get to experience motherhood. Something I've always wanted to do. It hurts, everything hurts. I just want to make it all stop.

I go back into the room, wiping my tears on the way. Only to find Tristan sat on the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees.

Was he in here all this time? Did he hear me crying?

"Good morning." He says in a blank tone as I stare at him, in a state of daze.

I have no idea what to say to him. I remember how I treated him last night. But somehow, I still feel that way. I still want to blame him and his business for the loss of our baby.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as I glare at him, not knowing how to answer.

I shake my head and push past him, feeling my eyes weary from all the crying.

I'm still debating wether or not I should leave. It hurts looking at him. It hurts to think about how happy we could've been. And now, it's all ruined.

It seems like I'm never going to be happy. And I don't know how to cope with this type of pain, so I'm just shutting everyone out.

I feel like it's my fault. That I should've been more careful. I feel like I've let everyone down. They were all so happy about the baby and now it's gone.

Not wanting to answer his question, I turn away and go back into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to lay in bed and sleep.

I'm emotionally exhausted. Everything that happened during these past few months has taken a toll on me, and I don't know if I can move on from all of it.

I know I shouldn't be taking it all out on Tristan. It was his baby too, and he's probably hurting as well but I can't help it. I feel bad and guilty.

I place my hands on the bathroom counter and bow my head, feeling overwhelmed. I sigh out, feeling a slight pain in my abdomen and a sharp pain in my heart.

The door suddenly opens and Tristan's footsteps start getting closer to me. I keep my back to him as he gets behind me.

An uncomfortable silence swarmed the place for a moment, where he just stood behind me, watching me from the mirror as I looked away from him. But it wasn't long before he spoke up.

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