Chapter 60

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Aurora's POV:

I roll around uncomfortably on the bed, knitting my brows as I curl up in the sheets, feeling the warmth relax me. I turn to Tristan's side of the bed and scoot closer, extending my arms and my legs so I can cuddle up and wrap myself around him.

Only to remember that he already woke me up before and said that he has a very important meeting to attend to. Groaning in frustration, I turn to my other side and attempt to go back to sleep but in vain.

Yesterday was exhausting enough. Tristan's family and Stella came to visit us after me not seeing them for so long. We told them about the big news and they were nothing short of excited. We went out and had dinner, we didn't come back till late at night so I didn't really get much rest.

Unable to shut my eyes back, I groggily push myself up and sit on the bed, huffing out. I've started my morning sickness again, and it's exhausting. Only this time, I can't get myself to throw up. So I'm just sick all the time.

I tiredly stand up, feeling the coldness as I strip out of the warm blankets. I go into the bathroom and stare at my reflection, frowning as I do. My face looks so puffy and sleepy. Shaking my head, I wash my face and brush my teeth. I grab my warm robe from the closet, wrapping it around me before heading downstairs.

Making my way inside the kitchen, I open the fridge and look inside for things to eat. I grab the milk and close the door back. And as I do, I see a silhouette stood in the kitchen, making me jump.

"Isaac." I gasp, his presence taking me by surprise. "Good morning." I greet, taking a deep breath. "What brings you here so early?"

"Food." He replies bluntly. "Well, your food." He corrects himself. "Please tell me you made breakfast."

"Uhm, no." I say in a low tone. "But have a seat. I'll make you something right now." I tell him, walking towards the fridge as he nods and wanders closer.

"Thank you." He says, taking a seat on one of the stools and placing his hands on the kitchen island.

"You're welcome." I reply as I grab everything I need from the fridge and the pantry.

I resume making breakfast as Isaac texts on his phone, often getting phone calls and talking on the phone. We talked for a bit too as I continued preparing everything.

About fifteen minutes later, I place the pancakes, eggs and bacon, coffee, orange juice, french toast, on the marble kitchen counter. "Here you go." I finish placing everything as Isaac looks up from his phone, his face lighting up as he puts his phone away. Knowing Isaac, he'll eat all of that in the blink of an eye.

"You're amazing, you know that?" He says with a mouthful of food as I smile and shake my head. "Are you not gonna eat?"

"No, it's okay. You go ahead." I mutter. It doesn't take him long before he continues digging in.

I can't eat all of that, if any of it without getting sick. I grab a bowl and pour in some cereal and milk before sitting on the stool and eating. This is all I can have without feeling the urge to throw up.

After he finished eating, he sat there for a little while on his phone before standing up and getting ready to leave.

"Are you staying for lunch?" I ask, hoping he could hang around here for a little while.

"No, there's business on." He says, texting on his phone. "You here by yourself?" He asks, looking up at me as I nod.

"Where's Tristan?" He asks, tucking his hands in his jeans and looking around."Isn't he here?"

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