Chapter 86

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Please read the authors note at the end <3

A few weeks later:

Aurora's POV:

A month has passed since Tristan's departure and to say the least, I'm falling apart. I've been trying my best to hold it together for the sake of Eric but I was starting to grow tired of the situation.

The guards outside still won't allow me to step a foot outside the mansion. Which meant I was left all alone with nothing but my thoughts and anxiety to keep me company.

Tristan's parents visited a couple of times to see me and Eric. Their presence managed to cheer me up for the mere days they stayed with us but I still wasn't my usual self.

Eric has also picked up on his father being gone. He'd often crawl all the way to Tristan's office only to find it empty. Taking care of him has become a much more tedious job as he's gotten exceedingly irritated.

I'm doing my best to make him feel better. My entire day has become dedicated to playing with him, trying to get him to sleep... along with any housework I can get done to distract myself from the constant ache I'm feeling.

I huff out as I lean down and gather the toys scattered across the living room. I had just set Eric in his playing area while I clean around and so far he hasn't given me trouble.

Suddenly, I hear the doorbell and frown to myself, finding it peculiar that someone is at the house. I rush over to answer, eagerly opening the door. As I do, I'm greeted by Isaac who's leaning against the door frame.

"Isaac." I exclaim, taken back by his presence. I haven't seen him around here in forever. "How are you?" He questions as I allow him to step inside, closing the door behind me.

"I'm fine." He faintly smiles as we walk back to the living room. I place the toys in one of the baskets and look back at him.

"Where have you been?" I curiously ask seeing as Tristan has been vague about Isaac since everything that happened with Stella. "I don't think I've seen you this entire month." I tell him as he slumps back on one of the armchairs. "How are you?"

"I can't complain." He shrugs. "Eitherways,   this isn't about me. It's about you." He shakes his head and gestures at me as I furrow my brows. I don't understand.

"What do you mean?"

He purses his lips and shoots me a worried look. "How are you dealing with this new arrangement? You know, Tristan being gone and all?"


I was hoping no one would mention him. I've been doing everything under the sun to keep myself busy and to refrain from thinking about him.

"You've talked to mom on the phone and she said you started crying." He continues explaining as I pout, feeling myself getting sad.

"Yeah." I nod, trying to pull it together. I am fully aware of how silly and stupid I sound. I've only known Tristan for a few years but his family has known him for his entire life. It's selfish of me to not consider that they're missing him too but no one has ever cared about me before him.

"I'm here to cheer you up." He states, leaning back on the and crossing his leg over his knee.

"Who says I need cheering up?" I joke in an attempt to lighten up the mood. I look up to Isaac as his eyes scan my face.

"Aurora, your eyes are puffy and your cheeks are burning red. I don't think that's just from lack of sleep." He comments on my deteriorating state. He's not wrong. I have been crying a lot lately, maybe even a little too much. "Have you been crying?" He pokes, waiting for me to answer.

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