Chapter 51

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Aurora's POV:

"I'm leaving."

I stand there with tears freely falling down from my eyes as Tristan places his whiskey glass on the table and starts making his way over.

"What do you mean you're leaving? Leaving where?" He says in a stern tone as I start to walk to the door.

"I don't know." I admit, wiping my cheek. "But I can't stay here." I continue to walk towards the door, hearing Tristan's loud and fast footsteps trailing behind.

"Aurora, today's been stressful enough. Just go upstairs. I'll join you shortly." He says, his tone cold and blank.

"What part of leaving don't you understand?" I say as he closes in on me, trapping me between him and the door.

"Aurora, you're not going anywhere." He grumbles lowly, placing his hand above my head on the door behind me as his eyes stare down at me.

"I don't want to be here anymore. I swear I'll kill myself if I have to stay here one more second." I snap, staring at him with bloodshot eyes as he grits his jaw and I feel his body tense.

"Why are you acting like this?" He sighs, attempting to contain his anger.

"I want to leave, why can't you understand that?" I knit my brows and scowl up at him.

"You're not thinking straight. Please, just go upstairs and rest." He suggests, ushering me away from the door but I stand my ground.

"No, I am. You brainwashed me to some perfect wife you want me to be and that's not me." I yap in my weak voice as he swallows and clenches his teeth.

"You and I, we're not a match. We never were and we never will." I tell him."You kill people, I help them. I follow rules and you break them."

"I've been patient and I forgave you for so many things but do you realize what you just did?" I ask rhetorically as he just stares at me in a state of daze.

"MY BABY IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU." I yell as he gives me a sympathetic look. I don't want your sympathy.

"And you're too heartless to know what that means. So I'm done wasting my time on you, trying to change you." I shake my head. It took me this long to realize it but I'm done.

"You picked a perfect victim. Weak and unable to stand up for myself. That's not happening anymore. I want a divorce and I don't care who I have to go to to get it."

"It was my baby too, Aurora." He snaps. "AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN WANT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE." He growls in my face, rendering me speechless. I can't believe he would go there.

"Are you trying to hurt me? The only reason I was sceptical at first is because I thought it was going to hurt it to have you as a father, that somehow your criminal activities will catch up to it. Clearly I was right." I fight back to which he doesn't answer.

"Look." He sighs. "We don't have to fight. I know you're hurting but I can help you. I love you, I'll take care of you, you know I will."

"You don't." I sniffle, looking down and shaking my head.

"What was that?" He frowns, tugging on my jaw but I push him away. 

"You love my obedience, my submission. You love my weakness." I correct him. "But you don't love me."

"That's not true." He shakes his head and reaches for my face but yet again, I push his hand away. I don't want him touching me.

"You only like me because I can't stand up for myself. You don't love me the way I love you." I tell him, tears relentlessly making their way down my face.

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