Chapter 62

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Aurora's POV:

The past five months have been nothing but a dream. Surprisingly, for once, everything was going okay in my life. No complications in my pregnancy, no problems, it feels good.

I've been taking it easy and now I'm six months pregnant with the big belly and the mood swings to back it up. Time has flied by so fast, I haven't even noticed.

One thing I noticed though is that the more I was pregnant, the more irritated I got. I would be annoyed at anything. I'm not the type of person who gets annoyed easily, or at all. But these hormones are too much for a person to handle.

I also have mood swings like no other. And since I'm incapable of getting angry, I cry. I cry like my life depends on it.

Tristan has done a great job of keeping up with me. I'm surprised he hasn't booked a one way ticket somewhere and waited till the pregnancy is over. I'm even annoying myself with how sensitive and demanding I'm being.

Laying back on the bed with my eyes open, I roll over to look at the clock on the nightstand. I haven't been able to sleep lately. Mainly because I'm always so uncomfortable. My feet are swollen, my back hurts, and I can't sleep on my stomach like I used to.

Today's a very important day for us. Because today, I'll be having an ultrasound to check on the baby's growth and maybe even find out the gender. But the appointment's in an hour and we're running late.

I sit up up on the bed with great struggle. God, I can't even stand up. My belly is so big and I'm so tired. I have to wake Tristan up though. He was working in his office late last night. He prefers to work from home now so that I won't stay alone.

"Tristan?" I mutter in a soft, low voice, gently shaking his shoulder back and fourth.

"Tristan, wake up. I-Ow." A rush of pain  goes through me, making me clench my stomach in pain. With that, Tristan immediately gets up and looks at me wide-eyed as I scrunch my face up in discomfort.

"Aurora? Baby, are you okay?" He asks, alarmed and rising from the bed.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. Just some cramps." I assure him, my voice shaky as he drags a hand through his hair and screws his brows together.

"Why are you up so early?" He asks, sitting me on the bed and soothing his hand over my belly.

"I just wanted to tell you that the doctor's appointment is in an hour." I inform him to which he gives me a blank look. I'm guessing he forgot.

"Fuck, that totally slipped my mind. I thought it was tomorrow." He sighs, rubbing his forehead back and forth. I'm not surprised that he forgot. There have been some issues at his company for a while now, and he's been doing a lot of work because of it.

"It's okay. I can go by myself if..." I start but he interrupts me.

"You're not going alone. I'll call Doctor Chambers and tell her to push the appointment to 10. That way we can go have breakfast somewhere before we go." He decides, standing up and heading towards the bathroom.

"Okay." I nod, before he walks back over to me and places a kiss on my cheek."Good morning." He hums in a raspy tone, giving me a smile before walking away again as I feel heat rushing to my face.

He never misses any appointment, no matter what's happening. He's always there with me because he knows how nervous and anxious I still am. Because even though I'm six months pregnant, I'm still worried that the doctor may have bad news for me at some point. So he makes sure to be there for me, and I can't be grateful enough.

Caged By Himजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें