Chapter 74

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Two months later:

Aurora's POV:

Time seemed to fly by too fast, but I was finally back to my old self.  Everything felt normal and life was good. Even better now that I have Eric.

He's almost three months and I can't believe how much he's grown. He's gotten bigger and chubbier. It's adorable.

One thing I can't help but notice is how much he's starting to look more and more like Tristan every day. It's almost uncanny.

I sat on the bed changing Eric as I hear the loud wind, heavy raining and thunder. It's been storming for a couple of days now. The thunder was so loud that it would often wake Eric up several times during the night.

"You're the cutest baby ever. You're so handsome, and you look just like your dad. Yes you do." I mutter in a baby voice, smiling down at him.

I lean in to kiss all over him as his little hands reach over and wrap around my hair. He had that intoxicating baby smell that I love and can't get enough of.

"You know you have to come out sometime, right?" Tristan's deep voice says as I look up to see him strolling in, his hands shoved in his pockets as he marches towards me.

"Look at him, Tristan. Look how beautiful he is." I blubber, a huge smile taking over my face as I do.

"Hm, I know." He smiles, kissing me on the forehead. "But you know all this staying inside is not good for you, right?"

"I know, but I just want to keep watching him. What if he needs me?" I explain, keeping my eyes on Eric as he lifts his little arms up.

"You need a change of scenery, angel." He suggests. And he's right. I've barely left the house ever since I gave birth. Because if I have to get out, I have to take Eric with me. And the thought of taking him out in public... it makes me nervous.

"Okay, but please not today. It's very cold outside. I don't want him to be sick." I say worryingly, adjusting his clothes. I stand up from the bed and lean down to hold him so I can breastfeed him. He's been fussy all day.

As I do, I feel Tristan's arms wrapping around me from behind, making me flinch and stand up. I turn to him, his playful eyes rake down my face, settling on my lips. My cheeks start to heat up and I look away from him. He makes me so nervous.

"Am I becoming less of a priority, hm?" He whispers, staring me straight in the eyes.

I laugh, shaking my head. I didn't know he was jealous of how much time I spend with Eric. "You're not." I assure him, smiling up at him as I do.

He steps closer, his eyes on my lips as he hovers above me. He leans in, brushing his lips against mine as I breathe heavily. "Show me then." He lowly growls, his hand gripping onto my chin.

I sigh, feeling the urge to be kiss him. So I gently press my lips on his, moving them softly against. His hands move to wrap around the small of my back, plastering me against him as I place my hands on his chest.

As we sink deeper into the kiss, a loud cry erupts from beside us and we both turn to our sides, pulling away from each other.

Tristan lets out a loud sigh. "Fuck, he does that everytime." He mutters under his breath.

"He doesn't like sharing you." He hums in a playful tone, making me laugh. And it's true, it's as if he can sense every time Tristan kisses me.

"I've got him." Tristan says, walking over to the bed and holding Eric up. "I'll take him till he falls asleep." He continues, starting to walk away but I stop him.

Caged By HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora