Chapter 44

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HOW YA DOIN??? Enjoy, babies💞

Tristan's POV:

I woke up to the sound of Aurora throwing up in the bathroom. She's been having her morning sickness. It's tiring and she's been really strong through everything.

I can almost feel her discomfort. Yet, she still insists on making me breakfast every morning. Of course, I don't let her. I'm getting maids here so she can rest.

I always make sure to remind her how amazing she's doing. How beautiful and strong she is. I believe it helps her somehow and it's the least I can do.

I roll out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I walk over and hold her hair up, patting her back as she continues vomiting.

Once she's done, I hand her a glass of water so she can drink then take her back to bed.

"Is that better?" I ask her and she nods, smiling.

Knowing she's tired and probably cold, I cover her up with a warm blanket and watch her get comfortable.

I'm trying my best to help her as much as I can. To make her feel less uncomfortable and more relaxed. I want her to go through this as smoothly as she can. Which is why I'm willing to do anything, buy anything that will make this as easy as it can be.

I stand in front of the bed and watch her nuzzle into the warmth with a content smile on her face.


Aurora's POV:

I hold on to the warm blanket, pushing my face against it and making myself warm. Due to all the nausea and throwing up I've been experiencing, I always find myself getting rather cold.

I watch as Tristan shuts the blind and brings me my medication, setting it on the bedside table and placing a glass of water next to it.

He's been helping me a lot. He got rid of every scent that might trigger my nausea. He made sure that the room always smells the way I like. Everything from soaps, air fresheners, aromatizers...

I never had someone take care of me when I was sick. This is the first time and it feels really nice.

It's also very peculiar to see Tristan in this setting. He's usually in his office working or doing criminal work. But now, I'm seeing him bring me food, clean up after me. It's really weird but I appreciate that he's doing this.

I still can't believe I'm pregnant though. I can't believe I'm going to be a mom. I've always wanted to have a baby. Someone to love unconditionally who will love me back.

"As soon as you get better, I'll take you to the doctor." I hear him say, as he walks up in front of me and strokes my hair.


"I need to get dressed. Call if you need." He tells me and I nod, staring at the ceiling.

I can't wait to tell Stella I'm pregnant. I want to see her reaction. Also, my in-laws. I don't know if Tristan told them or not but I want to see their reaction as well.

Tristan emerges back with his clothes in his hands, ready to get changed.

"Tristan?" I speak up, making him snap his head at me. "Did you tell your parents?"

"Not yet." He states and I nod to myself.

"Do you want me to go make breakfast?" I ask, knowing that he's going to work.

He shakes his head. "You're not getting out of bed. I'll go make it." He says, buckling his belt as I bite back a smile.

"You can cook?"

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