Chapter 53

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Tristan's POV:

"What the fuck do you mean she left the house?" I snap, shooting up from my chair and gripping harder on the phone.

"I'm following her, boss. I'll let you know where she's going." He replies nervously as I rub my forehead back and forth.

"Keep me informed and do not let her out if your sight." I order stern, slumping back on my chair.

"Got it. Should I get her back home?" He asks and I hesitate.

"Don't." I immediately reply. "Just..." I start but then stop and sigh. "Just keep watching her and call me if there's any updates." I sigh, then hang up the phone and slamming it on the desk.

I'm fucking fuming but I have to understand that she needs to go out from time to time. Especially after everything that's happened. But I can't stand the thought that she might leave and not come back. That's when I'm stepping in. I can't let her do anything that'l hurt her so I'm not leaving her alone.

Aurora's POV:

I walk for hours, feeling like I might faint. And the fact that I have stitches and an empty stomach isn't helping.

I just needed to get out of the house. I needed to get out of my head for a little while. I know Tristan won't approve, and that's why I waited till he was gone so I can leave.

Nothing's the same anymore. And it hurts too much to think about it. I'm void, I thought that my marriage was going to be the worst thing I'd ever experience, turns out it was not. And I'm tired of hurting. I can't believe Claire would do that, it never ever crossed my mind that she would kill a baby. My baby was innocent, it didn't do anything.

And even though I never got to hold it in my arms, and i'll never get to watch it grow, he brought me so much happiness. I would've gave anything to see its smile. I just waited impatiently for the moment where I can give birth but that's been taken away from me.

Everything has been taken away from me. I can only imagine the amount of happiness it would've brought me if it was born. It has done nothing wrong, its father is a criminal and that's what caught up to him.

Finally reaching my destination, I knock on the door and wait for them to open. This is the place where I come whenever I feel stressed or sad.

The door finally opens and I look to Mrs Harrison as she widens her eyes at my sight.

"Aurora, sweetheart. What a pleasant surprise." She chirps, pulling me in for a hug. "Come in." She ushers, holding the door open for me.

I step inside and she shuts the door behind me. "Oh honey, you're panting. Did you walk here?" She asks and I shyly nod with a frown.

Mrs Harrison gives me a stare. She knows something is wrong with me as I'm not usually this upset.

"Aurora, are you okay?" She asks. And as soon as she does, she triggers my crying. So I burst out in tears, feeling the pain in my heart again.

"Oh, darling. What's wrong?" She asks, with a concerned look on her face.

"Nothing." I shake my head, wiping my cheek with the back of my hand.

"Come on, sweetheart. You can talk to me about anything." She assures me, grabbing both my hand in hers.

"I-I'm no longer pregnant." I whisper, shaking my head as I continue to cry.

"What?" She asks, in shock. "What happened?"

"I lost it."

"Oh, sweetheart. I'm so sorry." She comforts me, pulling me in her tight embrace. "You're really strong."

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