Chapter 19

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Surprise! I got a double update for y'all. Enjoy❤😀

Tristan's POV:

I keep my eyes on the road as I drive back to the Villa, to her. My gorgeous wife.

I wish I can just take her everywhere with me, I fucking hate leaving her alone. I don't know how she does it but she tames the monster in me, just the mere thought of her innocent face looking up at me is enough to calm me down.

She's everything.

I drive through the street, anticipating when I can have her body in my arms, even if she still goes stiff whenever I touch her. I don't think I have enough patience, I just want her to give herself to me already.

I don't believe she knows why I married her. Other than the fact that she's the most beautiful, elegant, heavenly, caring woman I've ever seen and the fact that I'm wildly captivated by her, I married her for protection. Her protection.

I could've just kept her with me and not married her, but then anything can happen to her. In the underworld, women are treated like objects. They're there just for sex and pleasure, making them exposed to all danger. They're beaten, raped, forced into prostitution, tortured, sold, demeaned... just everything I don't want happening to Aurora.

Being my wife makes her untouchable, unreachable. No one would dare lay a hand on her once they know she's Mrs Tristan Black, queen the underworld. And that's one of the reasons I married her.

Of course she thinks I married her for selfish, possessive reasons, and that's not entirely false. I'll cut off the limbs of anyone that even premeditates about harming her. No man will ever touch her but me, and God does that make me satisfied.

Midst thinking, my phone starts ringing making me reach over and pick it up. Looking at the screen, I realize it's the landline from the villa. Aurora's calling me. The thought makes me smirk as I answer her call, of course that smirk completely dissapears when I hear her voice come through.

"T-Tristan?" Her soft, yet shaky voice comes through. Fuck, I'll never get tired of her voice. I'm guessing she's wondering where I am as I've been gone for a while.

"Love, I'm on my way." I assure her and I can hear her pant through the phone.

Something's wrong.

"N-No, please wait. Someone's downstairs." She whispers, clearly trying to hold back her cries.

Fuck, this is bad.

"Aurora, what the fuck do you mean?"I shout, panicked that the fucking Russians might know my location.

"I-I heard something shatter downstairs and some footsteps. I don't know what to do, I-I'm scared." Her choked up cries make my chest tighten. She's not used to this, she's alone and helpless but I'm so close to reaching the villa. I can't have anything happen to her.

"Aurora, listen to me. Baby, I'm coming to get you. Lock yourself in the room and I'll be there in a minute." I reassure her, hearing her sniffle as I talk into the phone.

I hang up and race through the streets, reaching the villa in the time of two minutes. Thank fucking God I was close to her. I pull out my gun and aim it around the living room, expecting someone to pop up at any second. You always got to be prepared.

I continue to search every single corner for a rival but in vain, all I see is shattered glass. I need to fucking know if the Russians are here. If they think they can intimidate me, they're terribly mistaken.

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