Chapter 71

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Aurora's POV:

We layed there, watching him for what felt like forever. But it was only mere seconds before Doctor Chambers speaks up, making me divert her attention to her.

"Aurora, it's time for you to start pushing again." She says, catching me off guard, making me and Tristan turn to her with a confused look.


"You still have to push the placenta out." She informs me and I nod, sighing out. I'm already tired from being in labour for over nine hours. I'm too exhausted to push again.

"Meanwhile, we'll take the baby down for evaluation." She tells us as the nurses walk over to us to take him. I watch them as they place him in the glass crib and wheel him away.

That makes me nervous, scared even. What if something happens to him while he's out of my sight? What if some sort of bad incident occurs at the nursery and no one's there with him? Bad incidents seem to follow me around too often.

At that thought, I turn to Tristan, grabbing his hand and making him turn to me. "Tristan, please go with him. Don't leave his side." I request, looking up at him with pleading eyes to which he hesitates.

"Are you going to be okay by yourself?" He asks, moving my wet hair away from my flushed cheeks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I assure him as his eyes roam across my face with a hard frown tugging at his features. "I promise." I nod, giving him a smile to which he caves. He leans down to give me a kiss on the cheek before standing up and walking out.

This is the only way I can get him to go somewhere without worrying about me. He's always worried whenever I'm alone.

"Okay, Aurora. I need you start pushing for me." She ushers and I tighten my hold on the arms of the bed. I don't think I can do it again, I can't begin to describe how sleepy and exhausted I am.

"Aurora, just a single push will do it if you push hard enough." She encourages, noticing my discomfort. I nod at her and lean my head back, huffing out as I do.

I slump back on the bed again, feeling the sweat trickling down my forehead and my chest heaving up and down. I turn to my side, sighing as I feel the pain through my entire body as I pass out from exhaustion.

Three hours later:

Tristan's POV:

I sat in the chair next to Aurora's bed as she layed asleep. My eyes rake down her face, watching her peacefully breathe in and out. Her lips parted, her face flushed and her damp hair stuck against her cheek.

She must be so tired. What she did, that looked painful as fuck. I don't know how she managed to do it. Or any woman for that matter. She handled it like it was nothing. As if she hasn't been through countless hours of pain and discomfort.

I've watched over her for nine months and I've seen how hard it's been for her. How uncomfortable and miserable she was all the time but she never complained once. I never admit this but Aurora, she's far stronger than I'll ever be.

I look down at my son as I held him in my arms and watched him. I'd always hear how good of a feeling it is to hold your kid for the first time but never did I think I would experience it. This is my son, my blood.

I watch him closely as he moved around in my hold. His eyes start slowly opening and he looks up at me. Fuck, nothing compares to this. He's so small, so perfect. Is it possible to love someone you just met this much? Because I knew at this moment that I'd do anything for him. Just like I would for Aurora. There isn't any line I wouldn't cross to protect both of them.

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