Chapter 10

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Enjoy, cuties💕🤗

Aurora's POV:

We're in one of Tristan's cars as he drives me to Stella's. His hand on my thigh making me slightly on edge, his dress shirt sleeves rolled up. His hands are so large, so veiny. His eyes on the road as his other hand grips onto the steering wheel. There's a lot to do today apparently.

But all I want to do is go back to bed.

We finally get to her house and I knock, impatiently waiting for her to open. And as soon as she does, she widens her eyes at my sight and I jump hugging her, not able to contain my enthusiasm.

"Aurora, wha- what are you...? H-How did you...?" She stutters, looking absolutely dumbfounded. "I thought something bad happened to you. I tried everything to reach you." She adds, glancing at me then at Tristan. "Why don't you come in?" She holds the door wide open allowing us to get it.

We're now sat in her living room, an awkward silence filling the room.

"So, how have you been doing?" I ask her, trying to break the ice.

"I was so worried about you." She sighs. "What happened to you?" She seems confused about Tristan's presence whilst he looks unfazed as he looks at his phone.

"I-uh. I was..." what do I even say to her? Oh, I ws kidnapped and forced to marry a mafia leader, I hope you can come to our wedding.

Or how about, my soon to be fiancé threatened to kill you if I don't marry him but he also suggested that you to be my maid of honor.


I stutter, looking at Tristan who notices I'm at a dead end. I don't know how to make up something.

"I took her out of the country, it's my fault that she couldn't reach you or come to work." He start and we both turn to him. "The reason we came here today is because our engagement party is tomorrow, and I know Aurora would love for you to attend." He explains and she gasps, glaring at me.

"E-Engagement party?" She looks shocked, it's making me feel bad.

"Yes, we know it's too soon but we couldn't wait." He adds casually, not giving her time to take it in.

I want to tell her, I want to just blurt it out, yell it. Tell her that I don't want to go through with it, and all I'm doing is to protect her but I won't. There's too much at stake and it'll only make things worse. What kind of person would I be if I tell her that this is all for her, that I'm sacrificing my happiness to keep her alive?

I'll just keep it to myself.

The thing is even if I get away and he kills her, he's going to find me. So Stella will just be collateral damage. And I'd much rather have her by my side through all of this.

"Stella, are you okay?" I ask, she looks worried.

"Yeah, just a little taken aback, but I'm happy for you." She fakes a smile.

Tristan suddently stands up, making me divert my eyes to him. "I need to make a call. Meet me outside when you're done." With that, he exits.

I'm left with a not so happy Stella who glares at me, crossing her arms to her chest.

"Aurora, what the hell do you think you're doing? This is so unlike you." She scolds, leaning forwards. "You're seriously getting married? To the restaurant guy?" She adds. She still remembers him.

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