Chapter 69

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Special thanks to @lustandsin for sending me this picture of how she envisions Aurora. I love it😍❤

Three months later:

Aurora's POV:

"Everything is as it should be." Doctor Chamber says as she unhooks me from the machine. "The baby should be here any day now."

"Are we nervous?" She asks and I nod. "A little." I reply, staring at the ceiling as I tighten my grip around Tristan's hand whilst he swipes his thumb softly on the back of my hand.

"There's no need to be. The baby's doing great." She reassures, giving me a smile. "I'll see you when you're due." She tells me and I nod and thank her.

I sit up and button up my dress, then putting my cardigan over it. Tristan helps me down from the bed to put on my shoes before we exit the doctor's cabinet.

"Are we going back home to have lunch?" I ask, looking up at him as he pulls out the keys to the car.

"No, we'll eat outside." He says, opening the door for me then holding my hand and helping me up. I nod to myself as he closes the door behind me then going over to his side, getting in and starting up the car.

I leaned my head against the window, watching the scenery go by, the brown leaves falling down to the ground. That's when I felt the baby kicking again. He's been kicking like crazy these past few weeks.

Tristan loves it, he loves watching my bump in motion. The first time I saw it, I cried. It's when I realized how real this is. That there's a person inside of me growing.

I have to admit that now that I'm nine months pregnant, I feel so relieved. I couldn't shake the feeling that someday along my pregnancy, something bad would've happened to me. But I'm so blessed that everything went well.

It was a fifteen minute drive before we got to the restaurant. It was really nice and fancy yet so cozy at the same time. I wasn't surprised, Tristan always picks the best of the best.

We were escorted to our table which was a bit secluded than the rest. I don't mind. I actually prefer it. Tristan and I sat there as my eyes scanned the room, this place is really nice. I divert my eyes to see a group of girls walking by, whispering and giggling, their eyes lingering on Tristan as they do.

That makes me upset. I don't know why I still get jealous when I see things like this. I guess I'm just insecure that he looks that handsome while I look like this. It's extremely shallow of me to even think that but I'm not feeling my best these days.

I look up from my menu to the waiter as he  approaches our table. "Hello, my name's Mike. I'll be you waiter this afternoon. What can I get you started with?" He politely asks, holding his hands in front of him as my eyes go over the menu, trying to figure out what I'm going to eat.

"I'll have the sirloin stake and a glass of bourbon on the rocks." He states, closing his menu and handing it to the waiter who then turns to me to take my order. 

"Can I have the side salad and the grilled rosemary chicken, please?" I request, handing him my menu.

"Anything to drink?" He asks and I shake my head. "Just water, please. Thank you." I give a light smile, to which he nods and walks away.

I'm trying my best to eat healthy for the baby. Normally, I'll just be eating pizza or pastries, but the doctor recommended I change that so that's what I've been doing for the past few months. Although, I would do anything for a glass of wine right now.

The waiter soon comes back with our plates, setting them on the table. It all looks and smells amazing and I'm starving. Even though I just had a full breakfast just a few hours ago.

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