Fire Lake

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The Joining Ceremony

Standing in front of the beautiful Starkiss Gate in Naboo, I take in the low hanging sun, the beautiful hanging gardens, and the grand waterfall below us. Flowers in every color known to the galaxy exist in abundance on Naboo. Some have tiny lacy petals while others are as large as my hand, but all give off a sweet fragrance. The roar of the waterfall is distant and does little to mute the songs of the sky birds that flit through the nearby kidel tree tops. The trees reach up to twenty meters tall growing out of the side of a stone cliff, their massive weight held transfixed by their even larger root system. Smothered in tiny white flowers, they make the perfect addition to the majestic Starkiss Gate—the place for traditional Joining Ceremonies on Naboo.

I am nervous, not because of the ceremony, but for what our future holds. Many people in the galaxy continue to despise Ben and will never be convinced he is a changed man. Many others are blissfully unaware of his past of being Kylo Ren. Ben, himself, faces his regret and remorse daily. These feelings I cannot take away from him; I can only support him with my love. He will spend the remainder of his life in a quiet atonement with me by his side.

Maz Canata stands before me with a knowing smile on her face, waiting to perform our Joining Ceremony. On Naboo, it is tradition for the woman to stand at the gate and wait on the arrival of the male she is pledged to, so I haven't seen Ben yet. I fiddle with the lace on the sleeves of my dress. The dress is Leia's, found in her things on the planet Chandrilla, Ben's birthplace. Altered to fit me, I think it is perfect to wear at our joining ceremony.

Finn stands at my side repeatedly giving me a wide toothy grin and wiggling his eyebrows in a conspiratorial manner.

"I wish your prince would show up. I'm ready to be the best mate of honor or whatever you two are calling it."

Finn is the only person in the galaxy besides Chewie, that is both mine and Ben's friend. Therefore, he has the honor of being Ben's best man and my friend of honor in the ceremony.

The door to The Joining House opens and renders me speechless. Ben emerges tall, dark, and beautiful. Wearing all black as usual, not because it represents him anymore, but because he just looks so damn good in black. I also requested it. His attire is nothing like his old Knights of Ren uniform. This black suit is cut perfectly for his body, showing off his broad shoulders and trim waist. His matching black hair is slightly longer now, the top braided back for the occasion, and almost blue black color reflecting the rays of the slowly setting Naboo sun. His eyes are deep, dark, and lovely, just like his grandmother's eyes. The scar from our dual so long ago no longer exists, just like in my vision. I blush lightly when I realize my thoughts are wandering to a more heated subject, and he gives me a knowing smile, making me blush harder.

After we face one another holding hands, Maz begins the ceremony. The words are beautifully written and express everything we are to each other; two halves that make a whole. Maz looks at Ben and asks is he ready to present the symbol of our joining. Ben nods his head and looks at Finn. Finn smiles widely, then reaches in his pocket to take out a small wooden box.

Taking the box, Ben opens it and removes the contents. The sphere, our sphere glints in the sunlight. Ben places it on a chain made of memantium, the strongest metal in the galaxy, then holds it out to me as I lean my head forward. Doubling the long chain over, he pulls it over my head. The sphere rests perfectly in the hollow of my neck, radiating warmth, peace, and hope.

As we stare into each other's eyes, lost in our love for one another, Maz clears her throat.

"Once the two are joined, they can never be separated again. Now Ben Solo, kiss your wife, and make it a good one," she says with a smile.

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