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"I'm going to need someone to explain to me what just happened," Finn says, his eyes wide with surprise.

Looking at one another, Ben and I smile.

"Can we give you a full explanation later?" Ben asks, pulling me into a hug and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Ok, but you have to tell me why the First Order showed up and is on our side," Finn states.

Snapping his head around in surprise , Ben asks, "How many come?"

"Twenty five ships," Finn answers.

Ben's mouth falls open in shock.

"I never expected that many to come.  When I lost all of my top military, but General Hux, I was left with all young up and comers eager to please me. I thought some of them may come, but not that many.  I figured Hux would try to seize power and stop most of them," Ben explains.

"General Hux is the name of the man leading them," Finn states.

As if on cue, the roof of the citadel begins collapsing as one half of a Final Order Star destroyer crashes into it.  As we begin to run, the bulk of the wreckage lands on the Sith Eternal still cowering in the arena.

Exiting the citadel, we see hundreds of wrecked destroyers, with more falling from the skies.

We board the Falcon and take off dodging falling debris.  Looking down, the citadel is slowly being decimated by crashing Final Order ships.

"Finn!" Poe's voice comes over the transmitter. 

"What happened?  It's like all the Final Order ships just lost their will to fight.  We are picking them off with ease now."

"Their master is dead.  The Emperor is dead.  They have nothing left," Finn answers Poe.

Finn's communication goes out over the Resistance's transmitters.  Hoops and yells of joy can be heard from every ship.

"Excuse me?" A very proper voice comes over the transmitter.  "Did I hear you say the Emperor is dead? What about Supreme Leader Ren?"

Before Finn can answer, Ben holds up his hand and answers instead.

"General Hux, this is the Supreme Leader.  I am doing well.  I will need you and the remaining ships to return to your previous posts and await further orders."

The transmitter is silent for fifteen very long, very tense seconds. 

"Yes, Supreme Leader, we will await further orders."

Letting out a collective breath, we all watch as the surviving First Order ships begin to turn and leave Exegol's atmosphere.

"What's going to happen with the First Order?" I ask Ben. 

With a solemn look at Finn and I, he answers, "I don't know for sure.  Once they realize I am no longer loyal to the First Order, they will denounce me as leader and then political posturing will start.  I am sure Hux will come out the winner of that battle. But knowing all the secrets and inner workings of the Order, they must realize they have been put at a great disadvantage having me stand against them.  And a truce would be tenuous at best.  I just don't know."

"Resistance fighters, let's return to base.  We have a celebration to get to!"  Lando exclaims through the transmitter. 

He is met by more victory cries from the remaining Resistance pilots.

Ben looks at me with weary eyes.  "It's ok, you can stay on the Falcon.  I know you won't feel comfortable around all of these people and I don't exactly trust them not to attempt seeking revenge on you."

Exiting the Falcon, I stumble through the crowd hugging some in celebration, crying with others in mourning of lost loved ones.  Turning around, I come face to face with Poe.  His eyes blow wide and his face looks apprehensive.

"Hello Poe," I say in a neutral voice.  I really am not feeling any animosity towards him anymore.

"Hey Rey," he says nervously.  "Umm, Rey, Lando told me about what happened.  He said that Ren defended me  Will you tell him thank you and that I am very sorry for what I done?"

"You'll have to tell him yourself sometime, Poe."

"Rey, I'm so sorry.  Will you ever be able to forgive me?  I didn't understand what was going on with you two.  I let myself be led by my blind rage.  I just wanted my revenge finally."

"Poe, I understand.  I have allowed my rage to rule me lately too, but not anymore.  A lot of things have changed and will continue to change.  We are not enemies Poe.  We were friends and we will be again."

Holding out my hand, Poe takes it timidly, smiling, "I would like that," he says.


Six weeks later

The First Order had been absorbed into the New Intergalactic Government.  People no longer lived in fear of the First Order ships descending upon their planets, stealing their children to be conscripted into storm troopers.  Planets with valuable natural resources were no longer in danger of hostile takeovers. 

The existing storm troopers were freed, but many of them, not knowing their planet of origin, decided to work for the new government. The upper First Order officers were also integrated into the new government, but were being watched carefully.  Poe never tells anyone that Hux was the First Order spy.  That is one secret he would take to his grave.  He was integrated into the new government too, becoming a flying instructor.

Lando offered Finn a job on the new Cloud City he managed. He mentioned something about his beautiful daughter needing a strong man to be her bodyguard.  Finn was a little scared of the offer, until Lando showed him a picture of his daughter.  He wasn't exaggerating.  She was gorgeous.  Finn will work one month shifts on Cloud City, then spend the next month in Force training with Rey and Ben.

Rey turned down an offer from the New Intergalactic Government to start a new Jedi Academy.  They refused to accept Ben as her equal partner due to his past.  They said he couldn't be trusted.

Chewie went back to his home planet to visit his people, but soon found his way back on a smuggler's ship.  He couldn't get being a scoundrel out of his blood.

Even though the galaxy was now at peace, no one knew how long it would last, but everyone agreed to enjoy it while they could.

Even though the galaxy was now at peace, no one knew how long it would last, but everyone agreed to enjoy it while they could

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AN: The next chapter will be the last. I hope you have enjoyed the journey thus far and the ending will be satisfying. Much love and many thanks to my readers. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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