Dual of the Dyad

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The ocean moon planet of Kef Bir is small even by moon standards. The wreckage of the Death Star is easy to spot as soon as we enter the atmosphere. A huge crescent shaped piece lies a few hundred meters off the shore. The water rolls tumultuously as huge waves constantly crash against the shore and the hull.

Finn and Chewie manage to land the Falcon on a large flat piece of wreckage. As we exit our ship, I can already feel a darkness surrounding us. Glancing at Finn, his brow furrows—he senses it too.

Walking in the direction the feeling is the strongest, we advance slowly. After progressing about seventy meters, we come to a large blast hole in the Death Star hull. Although impossible for even Chewie's long legs to jump over the opening, I can use the Force to propel me.

Turning to Finn and Chewie, I state, "You will have to wait for me here. I can get across with the Force, but I can't carry you too. I will go in, find the wayfinder and meet you back here."

"I don't like this Rey. I can feel the evil
coming off of that thing. Are you sure about..."

"I'm sure Finn," I snap irritability.

A few long dead bodies lay strewn through the empty corridors of the Death Star. Under their stormtrooper armor, I imagine empty eyes sockets following me. In my peripheral vision, I notice a gigantic hole in the hull to the right of me. The ocean water pours through it and down so fast it has created a huge waterfall. The constant flow of violent waters has smoothed the hard metal around it.

How many years of enduring a constant onslaught before the hull breaks into?

Making my way closer and closer to what I believe is some kind of command quarters, I feel a disturbance in the Force; the dark concentrated here. Entering a large open space , there is a throne like seat at the end of the room—a miniature version of the Sith Throne.

Not enough room for two people on this one.

To the right of the throne rests an archaic box perched atop a spiral stand. The box has engravings on the outside similar to the runes on the dagger. Concentrating on reading the engravings like I did with the dagger, I hear a voice behind me.

"Would you like me to read it to you, Rey?"

Startled, I turn to find Ben standing only three meters away. How did he find me so quickly? His face completely void of emotion, his eyes even appear empty.

"It's written in the ancient Sith language. Can you read Sith, Rey?" he asks. His voice is flat like a droid's programmed voice.

"I can," he continues. "It's a forbidden language. To speak it means a death sentence. Snoke made sure I was fluent."

"Ben, I..."

Cutting me off, he strides past me and up to the box. "It reads...To find the way, use the blood of the master. If the blood is inferior, you will pay with your life."

"It means, to open the box and get the wayfinder, you must be of the blood of Emperor Palpatine. If you are not and you attempt to open it, you will die."

"So you are saying, this was all for nothing. No one can get it out. You already knew it was here, but couldn't get it. So you had to go to Mustafar to get Vader's instead," I ask angrily.

"No, Rey, I am saying that out of the two people in this room, you are the only one who can open it."

I look at him in confusion, bile suddenly rising in my throat. He can't mean that.

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