The Past

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That was the word he used that I dreamed about the most.  Every night I envisioned him, different scenes, different conversations.  The conversation in the throne room after killing Snoke and we had defeated the Praetorian guards together, was the conversation my mind dwelled upon the most.

He had reached out to me, asked me to join him, and said, "Please." The expression on his face full of raw emotion, pain, and just a tiny spark of hope. His dark eyes pleaded with me from his heart while his furrowed brow communicated fear in what my answer would be. With his full lips pressed together, but not too tight, his hesitation indicated he wanted to say something else, but doubt stole his words.

I lay awake afterward pondering. What if I had taken his hand? Could I have changed him, turned him fully back to the light?


Over the last few months, I had developed a close relationship with Ben's mother, Leia. We had a routine of taking sustenance together every morning. We spent our time talking and reflecting on the past and what differences we could have made in the future. After the first month, I confided in her about what happened the last time I was with Ben.  I told her about everything, the Force-bond, the vision I had of Ben turning, him killing Snoke, and our conversation afterward.  The only thing I left out was the revelation I received regarding what happened the night Luke's temple was destroyed and Ben became Kylo Ren. I saw nothing to be gained by telling her of her brother's poor judgment.

In return, Leia confided in me details of Ben's childhood. 


"Han and I were so happy when Ben was born. He brought a light to our life that neither one of us had ever experienced before. Unfortunately, life, death, and the galaxy's many problems got in the way of that light.

"When Ben was two, the New Republic began hearing rumors of a darkness growing.  Being in a position of great respect in the galaxy, this took me away from my family for long periods of time.  Han being a restless man was always volunteering to go on extended missions for the New Republic. This left Ben at home with caretakers more often than not.

"When he was four, I had just arrived home from a galactic summit held on the planet, Corligght.  Arriving in the middle of the night, I peeped in on Ben. He was asleep as expected, but what caught me off guard was to find his favorite playthings floating in the air above him going round and round, as if in orbit.  His face was serene, and he even giggled in his sleep. I knew my son was Force-sensitive, but I did not realize just how powerful he had already become.

"At the age of six, I attempted to tell him goodbye before leaving to tend to another New Republic emergency. Instead of embracing me, he pushed his hand out toward me. I flew backward, landing on my left arm painfully. It was obvious that my wrist was dislocated by the awkward angle that it hung.

"The amount of the Force I felt come from him was immense. I had heard stories of Anakin Skywalker being powerful at a very young age. Even with training from master Obi-Wan Kenobi and the love of my mother, he became Darth Vader. Fear for my son grew in my heart and I decided to contact my brother, Luke.

"I told him Ben needed to begin his training and why. Luke had started the Jedi Academy a few years ago and agreed to take Ben on as a beginning youngling. When I told Ben, he screamed and cried, begging me not to send him away. He kept saying, 'I'll be good Mother, don't send me away.  I have to be here when father gets back.' Han was away on another six-month long trip, having taken up some of his old scoundrel habits again.

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