Night Moves

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I sneak out of the Falcon a few hours before sunset. Telling the men I am having female pain, guarantees they will leave me alone. They seem a bit pre-occupied and I sense strife between Poe and Finn.

Making my way into the city, I find the parlor from my earlier exploration. Once inside, I ask the attractive attendant if she can help me with my hair, and add some eye and lip paint to my face. She is happy to help me for a small fee of twenty credits.

Wearing my new cloak and gown with my new slippers, I feel dainty and feminine.

When the attendant finishes, she asks me to remove my cloak and look at myself in the large reflector.

I gasp at my reflection. The gown fits me perfectly, accentuating my breasts. Red is a good color for my skin. My face appears to glow with a luminescence. Oh my. My hair is down and has been washed and curled into soft ringlets the attendant pulled partially up in the front, framing my face. My eyes are accented black around the rims and on my lashes while my lips are colored the same shade as my crimson dress. With a wink, the attendant assures me the lip paint does not smear. I blush as she giggles.

I feel super powerful standing there in my ensemble. I don't know if it will be Ben, Kylo, or a combination of them both that will meet me, but I intend to be in full control tonight.

"Now for the last thing," the attendant says with a smile.

She pulls out a bottle of shimmering silver liquid, and lightly sprays my neck and bare shoulders. My skin begins to sparkle.

"It tastes good too," she says with another wink, while abruptly pulling up my dress and spritzing under there too.

Blushing when she pops her head back up, she gives me a big eyed smile because I'm not wearing any undergarments.

Because she has done such a wonderful job, I give her twenty extra credits when I pay my fee. She rewards me with a warm, beautiful smile. Helping me put my cloak back on, she carefully places the hood over my hair so as not to mess it up.

As I leave, she waves to me and while giving another wink says, "Have a nice night miss."


Arriving an hour earlier, I've been here long enough to shower and change clothes. Dressing in a pair of soft black drawstring pants and matching long sleeve shirt, I decide not to put on any shoes.

Standing at the entrance to a small balcony, I look up at a twin mooned sky. I can sense my scavenger's approach. The anticipation is already getting the better of me as my body begins to respond.

She is just outside my door now. Her desire pouring off of her in torrents overwhelms my senses. Taking a deep breath of the fresh night air, I hope to reign in my control. A timid little knock and while keeping my back to her, I open the door with the Force.

Fabric rustles as I catch the scent of a sweet smelling musk on the breeze. Slamming the door behind her as she enters, I get a quick glimpse of her thoughts. My eyes flutter closed as I think, My scavenger has plans for me.

Turning, I find her standing wrapped in a silver cloak from head to toe. Her face, shrouded in the hood, is unreadable.

Without saying a word in greeting, she flips back her hood and lets the cloak flutter to the floor.

I gasp at the woman before me—the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. She exudes an aura of feminine power so strong it almost feels tangible, something I can touch.

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