Sparks Fly Out

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After our scare with the path animal, and the laughing and tightening of our bond, we continue on our walk following the trail, and the sound of water.

After a few minutes we come to the end of the forest. Before us lies a vast lake that extends beyond the horizon. The stream to our left empties into the lake. Judging by the size of this body of water, many streams find their end here. Never have I seen this much water in one place. My eyes are mesmerized by how the sun's light glistens over the ripples.

Strangely, the bank of the lake is covered in animal prints in the soft soil. Although we have only encountered a few, it appears many more species of animals live here.

Ben walks to the lake's edge and tests the waters. To our right stands a broken wooden platform with a primitive type of swing hanging from the tree above. Native miners must of used this swing for recreation, swinging out over the water and dropping in. I can imagine this being a favorite spot for the miner's children to come and play.

Ben turns his head toward me. His eyebrows are raised in a question.

Want to try it?

"The swing, no, the water, yes".

Stripping off to our undergarments, Ben enters the water first, alert for any predators, and to test for any drop-offs. As I enter the water, the wet soil squishes between my toes making me stifle a giggle. The bank slowly slopes down for approximately ten meters out, then makes a steep decline. I stop when the water comes up to my mid-chest.

Ben walks a little further out, turns around,  extends his arms, and beckons me. Reaching for him, he grasps my hands pulling me gently through the water. The feeling of gliding reminds me of flying.

Enveloping me in his arms, he sinks us down into the water to our shoulders. My arms instinctively snake around his neck. The intimacy in his expression matches the white-hot intensity of his eyes. Searching my face, he gently pinches my chin between his fingers, lightly stroking with his thumb.

That warm tingling sensation is spreading out from my middle. After a slight hesitation, I run my fingers into his hair, lightly pressing him forward as I lean in to meet him. Our mouths collide as we quickly progress from a soft kiss to a firmer passionate interlude of our lips and tongues. Wrapping my legs around Ben's waist, I feel his manhood swelling rapidly in response. I shift to get a better angle on his mouth, and the buoyancy of the water carries me upward, then downward bouncing.

Feeling his desire brush against my core, I gasp, involuntarily releasing my lips from his. Leaning his head down to my collarbone, he places his soft lips against the tender skin and kisses a trail up to my neck. Gently sucking at my flesh, he uses his tongue to barely graze the last few centimeters to my earlobe. I shudder and feel him smile against my neck.

I can't help it. I move my hips to purposefully position his erection into my also swollen core. I want to feel that electric tingle shoot through me again. Not enough, wanting more, I gently move my hips around causing nearly constant friction. I am rewarded with masculine moans from Ben, and strange pulsations to my inner folds. The pulses feel so delicious and set me on fire. They continue intermittently while Ben and I increase pressure on one another, grinding our hips together.

I pull my head back to look at Ben. His eyes alternate from being wide and staring into mine, to closed and blissful. The sounds coming from his mouth almost coincide perfectly with my pulsing sex. I take a second to sense in his emotions for anything dark, but find only desire.  Curious as to how the bond is affected, I open it in my mind.

"Ahhhh!" We both gasp. All of the sensations I am already experiencing are now multiplied a thousand times. What is happening?  The pleasure is so intense, I almost forget to breathe. Judging by the face Ben is making, it's the same for him. I grind my hips against him and my body feels like it is coming apart. I try to speak, but my voice catches in my throat, replaced by a deep visceral moan. I have to close the bond.  It takes a few seconds more before my brain complies.

The sparks of pleasure decrease with the bond closed, and we both pant, trying to catch our breath. Ben attempts to say something but just sputters; his eyes wild and gorgeous.

He tries again. "You opened the bond." More a statement than a question. "I could feel what you were feeling as well as my own. It was almost more than I could take."

I understand what he is saying. With the bond open, we experience both our own and each other's pleasure.

A sudden chuffing sound coming from the bank alerts us that we are no longer alone. Turning, we see that from the edge of the lake and all the way up to the tree line, the bank is lined with birds and animals. Mostly warm-blooded creatures, but some reptilian beings are all just standing and staring.  A large four-legged creature stands at the forefront, his six-toed feet sinking in the soil from his massive weight. His snout is short with a mouth revealing the wide flat teeth of an omnivore. On his head is an intricate intertwining of white bone contrasting sharply with the black of his fur. His presence exudes leadership. In this forest, he is the king.

Embarrassment hits me and I detach my legs from around Ben's waist standing up in the water. What kind of noises could we have possibly been making to cause all of them to investigate?

Reading my thoughts, Ben answers, "They are not here for us."

We turn our attention in the direction of the animal's gaze to see the most magnificent vision. The sun is beginning to set over the lake and it has changed everything to a warm orange-yellow glow. We watch as the fiery orb sinks lower and lower down the horizon. Just as it seems to touch the water, I see sparks fly out; only a trick of the eye, but beautiful anyway.

Beside me, Ben stands with his jaw slack as he gapes at the beautiful sight before us. His eyes appear a rich orange reflecting the sun, flames licking his irises. A glance back to the bank reveals the animals with the same enraptured stare. Taking Ben's hand, we watch the event unfold together.

When the sun finally dips behind the lake, darkness shrouds us and the animals begin to slowly disappear back into the depths of the dark forest.

No words can describe what we are feeling, so hand in hand, we walk along silently back to the dwelling.

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