Do I wanna know

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Eight hours later, I arrive on the planet Gernel.  A prosperous mining planet, Gernel could once boast the largest deposit of Memantium—the most used metal in shipbuilding. However, when mines run dry, so do many planet's population. Yet, buildings, personal dwelling areas, and overgrown gardens still survive in the un-mined areas. With fresh water, mild weather, and plenty of oxygen-producing vegetation, I wonder why no one remained when the mining ended. It is so beautiful here, so green.

I spend the next hour clearing out a nearby, dusty dwelling and gathering fuel for a fire. The planet records having fourteen hours of daylight in a one day cycle, but can have significant drops in temperature after nightfall.

Gathering wood in the nearby forest, I study the vegetation. The trees of this forest are tall and create an intricate canopy, their limbs swaying in the breeze, occasionally dropping star-shaped leaves to the ground far below. In contrast, the understory trees are beautifully ornamental with purple and orange lacy flowers hanging in heavy clusters. While picking up a small dead log, I notice an overgrown path to my right. Curiosity gets the better of me and I decide to investigate. Along the path, gnarled roots from the densely packed trees push up through the soft soil threatening to trip me up. Cautiously following old treaded areas, I stumble upon a crystal clear pool fed by a small waterfall. Having come from a desert planet, the tinkling cadence of the water is too inviting to ignore. The water is warm when tested with a toe and no potential predators lurk nearby, so I retrieve some washing suds from my hut and return to the pool. Undressing except for my under wrappings, I begin to bathe.



Following Rey's coordinates, I arrive on a beautiful green planet. Growing up on a desert planet, water and lush vegetation now attracts her.

Is this the planet that was completely stripped by the First Order years ago, and children conscripted into Stormtroopers?  I was not part of that mission.

Exiting my ship, I reach out to feel for Rey's Force-signature. Surprisingly, the signal comes from the nearby forest. Walking along an old trail, I come upon a sight that takes my breath.

I have never seen anything as beautiful as Rey floating in that pool.  With her eyes closed, she appears quite serene.  I can't help but notice the dark outline of her nipples through her wet chest bindings.  Swallowing hard and respecting her modesty, I silently retreat. The indigenous avians of this planet serenade me with a haunting tune as I walk back to my ship.



Making it back to the settlement, I'm surprised to see Ben's ship has already arrived.  With no sign of him anywhere, I feel exposed standing out in the open, especially not knowing what state of mind he is in.  He can be...unpredictable.

After changing into dry garments, I start the process of building a fire. My thoughts wander to Ben and hope he will come out of his ship soon.  I don't relish having to board the First Order ship.  This planet is a neutral meeting place, not his ship nor mine.  I decide to reach out with the Force-bond to sense where he is.

A throat clearing behind me, startles me. Burning myself on the growing flames, I turn to see Ben leaning against the entranceway. His arms are folded over his chest and his face boasts an arrogant look. He is proud of his ability to sneak up on me.

His expression rapidly changes to concern when he realizes I have burned myself. Striding over quickly, he takes my wounded hand in his left, then hovers his right hand over the painful burn.  Saying nothing, he closes his eyes and within a few seconds, a tingling sensation begins to take away my pain; then nothing.  Ben withdraws his hand from mine revealing blemish-free skin.

Redemption: A Reylo StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora