A Mother's Love

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"Get away from my son Captain!"


My mouth hangs ajar as I am stunned to see Leia standing in the doorway holding a blaster.  She is accompanied by another man, older, with skin the same beautiful color as mine.  This must be the Lando person Chewie mentioned.

General Organa has hit Poe and Rey with a stunning round, knocking them both unconscious.

Handing the weapon off to Lando, she rushes over to her son.  Using the Force to break his chains, she is almost crushed by his weight as he pitches forward.  I run to help her and together we ease his body to the ground.  She tenderly cradles his head in her lap as she begins to sing a haunting children's lullaby.  Salty tears drip off her chin and mix with the blood on his face as her grief pours out.

Reaching into Poe's pocket, I retrieve the Force-collar key and unlock Ren's collar, while Leia gently removes it. When I reach to unlock Rey's collar, Leia shakes her head no.

"Oh Ben, I am so sorry." Leia speaks softly leaning down to his ear. "I failed you as a mother. I wasn't there when you needed me. But I'm here now." She has interlaced her fingers with his, but there is no indication that he can hear her.

"I love you Ben. I always have and your father did too. I've come to make it right again, just like when you were little."

I notice his fingers move and squeeze her hand. She smiles warmly down at him.

"Finn, I need you to bring Rey over to me," she says. Chewie has entered the room and moves forward to help carry Rey over to Leia.
She places her hand gently on Rey's forehead and her eyes flutter open—still yellow but no longer glowing.

"Rey, I'm about to give you the only thing I can. The only thing missing that can truly make you whole again. I love you Rey."

Leia moves her hand from Rey's forehead to her abdomen and closes her eyes in concentration. The room goes silent as everyone holds their breath, watching to see what will happen.

A confused look comes over Rey's face, then changes to a mask of pain. She groans softly as I notice her features changing back to normal, back to my Rey. Simultaneously, I see that Leia is becoming pale.

Suddenly, Rey arches her back off the floor and lets out a little yelp.

"Finn, you can remove her collar now," Leia states weakly.

As I remove the collar from around Rey's neck, she looks at me with wide hazel colored eyes. Reaching down to her abdomen, she smiles.

I am unsure as to what just happened, but I notice Leia is getting weaker and weaker. Sitting beside her, Lando holds her upright against his chest while whispering, "It's all right Princess. You did it. You can rest now."

With her remaining strength, she reaches out and grasps Rey's hand and they lock eyes. "Now, heal my son," she says.

Falling back against Lando, she takes one last breath while squeezing Ren's hand with hers.

AN:  Growing up, Leia was the princess I looked up to and is still an awesome roll model for young girls.     Thanks for reading.

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