No Mercy

560 49 91


We are losing. We're all going to  die.

"Hit the underbelly canons! They may ignite the nuclear core!" Finn yells through the transmitter to all of the Resistance pilots.



"Yes, I'm here," I answer.

"Poe, you are the best pilot we have. Try to maneuver under one of those star destroyers and hit the canon. Rose believed they were directly connected to the destroyers core. We'll protect you while you try," Finn states with desperation in his voice.

"I'm on it, let's try that one," I reply, pointing to a star destroyer above me as if he can see me.

May the Force be with us.

I come in full throttle, with the Falcon and Lando flanking me. Discharging four strikes directly into the canon, nothing happens. My stomach lurches at the realization that it didn't work.

But then, a small explosion can be seen above the canon—another follows. The explosions chase along the belly of the ship until the entire hulking mass breaks in half. The front end of the destroyer makes a nose dive, heading for the planet's surface.

"Wooooo!" Finn hoops in the transmitter. Triumphant cries can be heard from all the Resistance ships.

"Now we know their weakness. Go at them in teams of three. Let's take these bastards down!" Lando exclaims.

One down, ninety nine more to go.

After bringing down the third destroyer,  I see a heart stopping sight. More Final Order star destroyers are coming around from the other side of the planet, hundreds more. Exegol has one very large moon. They must have been hiding behind it.

Judging by the gasps and screams coming through the transmitter, it's obvious when the other Resistance pilots notice them.

Hanging my head in despair, I speak into the transmitter, "My friends, it has been a privilege fighting along side you. I have been honored to be a part of the Resistance and ..."

"Hello Resistance Fighters." A familiar and very proper speaking voice interrupts my lament. "I am wishing to speak with the leader of the Resistance."



"Step away from him!" the Emperor screams.

Six figures emerge out of the shadows. Each wearing similar yet different armor, their masks reminding me of Kylo Ren's mask. They have different weapons, primitive weapons compared to light sabers and blasters. The one standing closest to me holds an axe. Darkness bleeds from them. I can imagine animated corpses underneath the masks and armor. I know who these men are.

"Knights of Ren," Ben whispers. "I am no longer their leader Rey."

"Yes Ren." The Emperor's voice interrupts. "You are not their leader anymore. Truth is, you have never been their true master."

"Kill them!" The Emperor orders.

Staggering to pick up Leia's lightsaber as the Knights slowly advance, Ben speaks to me through the bond. Although the lightsaber cauterized his wound keeping him from bleeding out, there's no way it missed all his vital organs.

Rey, I can't fight full force, but with the dyad, we can meld our fighting skills. I know their fighting styles, their weaknesses. I will show them to you.

Redemption: A Reylo StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin