louis notices the replies, smiling to himself over seeing so many tweets from fans who are supporting him. even though louis might have lost one of his closest friends, at least he still has the fans to stand by him. their positive responses mean everything to him.

the next tweet isn't from naughty boy. it's from zayn malik himself. "remember when you had a life and stopped making bitchy comments about mine ?"

louis freezes, unsure of what to do. the man who louis has spent five years of his life with is siding with a producer he's probably only known for a few weeks. he knew that their friendship is over, but zayn insulting him over twitter is a low that louis didn't think they were going to reach.

two months ago, they were on tour together, sneaking off to smoke a few cigarettes or get high on weed when they were supposed to be meeting with management, or greeting ready to travel to the next city. they were causing mischief and pranking their touring team. they were confiding in one another. now, they're getting into drama on twitter. things apparently can change very quickly when you're least expecting them to.

"i'm making bitchy comments about his life?" louis is astounded. "this is coming from the guy who abandoned our friendship. now he has this new fake-ass producer that he'll probably ditch soon anyway," louis huffs. he decides to push away all of the pain he feels right now and replace it with anger. anger is easier, even if it is just a mask for how much he is hurting.

"look, sunflower. i get that you're angry, i do," harry says, calmly. "but, starting fights on twitter is really not the best way to go. it's twitter. it doesn't mean anything."

"he's a bloody asshole!" louis exclaims loudly. "why does he think it's okay to do this to us? he's really going to side with this producer instead of me?"

harry gets up and puts a hand on louis' shoulder. "please, just calm down."

"don't tell me to calm down!" louis shouts.

harry's hand falls off of his shoulder and he backs away. "okay. fine. i guess i'll just let you be then," harry heads out of their room to give louis some space. he knows that louis is upset over everything that has happened with zayn, but that doesn't mean he has the right to yell at him for no reason. harry was only trying to help.

as soon as harry leaves the room, louis throws a punch into the wall, the drywall breaking around his fist. pain shoots up his arm, but he doesn't even notice. he collapses onto the bed. now on top of everything, he's hurt harry. he's been trying to keep harry from getting hurt for years, and now he is the cause of that pain.

louis knows how unstable his emotions have been lately. it's pretty obvious. he has been sad and impulsive, and now he can't even control his anger. there is no excuse for louis yelling at harry like that. he didn't deserve it. this is all based around louis' personal problems that harry should not have been dragged into.

louis pulls at a string on one of their pillowcases, taking deep breaths in and out to calm himself down. he knows he has to go find harry and talk to him, but he can't if he's still so angry. louis has to fix this. he can't make the situation even worse. if he goes to talk to harry while he is still so angry, he will upset harry even more and make everything so much worse. he can't do that. he barely even cares about zayn anymore. this is all about making things better for harry now.

it's about fifteen or twenty minutes later when louis finally emerges from their room, in search for his husband. he has no idea of the state harry is currently in, and is terrified. he knows harry is upset, maybe even angry, and rightfully so, but louis needs to be able to make it up to him. he doesn't know what he would do if he didn't.

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