Jack Kelly x reader angst

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"Hi! I love your writing! I was wondering if you'd write a jack Kelly x reader where the reader is jack's #2 and when she'd been to Brooklyn on business, she got roughed up by Brooklyn newsies but she didn't tell jack who did it and then they go to Brooklyn together and he figures out what happened and is all protective? Ugh gotta love jack. Whatever you feel like doing with this mess of an idea"

AN: Alright, so I have been wanting to write something for my dancey bois where reader has the nickname "Rosey" or "Rose" depending on who's calling her. But Hon, you are right about loving Jack, the man is a dream. Katherine is not in the story, since I didn't know what to do with her. She still exists, just isn't mentioned.

"Hey, Rosey girl. How's my favorite barker girl in the great state of New York?" Jack threw his arm around my shoulder, smiling brighter than the Manhattan sun."Alright Jackie-boy, whatcha need from little ole me?" He acts shocked for a split second before relaxing into a lazy smile. "Well Hon, I need a little check up on Brooklyn. Just to make sure everything is going well after the strike, make sure they aren't being taken advantage of again." Sighing, I nod along. "Alright Jackie. Sell my papes for me? You can keep the profit too, seeing as it wouldn't be fair." He creases his brow, "No, no, I got ya going out for me. I'll sell the papes, and we'll split the money. Not like I sell that many more without ya than with ya. Just go on to Brooklyn, I'll take care of this. Here's trolley money, I'd go, but the guys need me here." I nod and take the money and go on my way. Luckily I left just after the first circulation bell, giving me time to get to Brooklyn. I get to the newsies hub for the afternoon circulation.

"Heya Girlie, where ya coming from? Pretty little thing like you?" I look up to give a snappy reply, but realize I'm surrounded by 20 big newsboys. "I have to meet with ya leader, please, Jack Kelly sent me, to check up on Brooklyn after the strike!" One of the newsies comes up and takes me to the "King of Brooklyn". Brooklyn isn't going down easy again, and thanks Jack for the strike in the first place. I head home for dinner and try my best to retrace my steps. I pass by an alley at the edge of Brooklyn and am grabbed. I go to scream but a hand is placed over my mouth before I get the chance. "Well lookie here boys, we got ourselves a news girlie..."

I grunt and groan as I push myself off the ground and dust myself off. I make it back later than I intended due to the beating I had just received. All the boys had eaten before I had come home. Luckily for me, Jack was in his "Penthouse" with Crutchie so I was able to change into clothes that hid the sore spots that would bloom into bruises sometime in the night without detection. Before Jack turns the lights out for the night, I simply tell him "Brooklyn can handle themselves, and they thank ya for sticking up for all the other newsies and stuff." I try my best to get comfy on the thin mattress while covered in sore spots.

Waking up was harder than going to sleep. I quickly go behind my curtain to change into my pape selling clothes, noticing bruise after bruise. I roll down my sleeves to cover the ones on my arms and pull my hat over my face to hide my shiner. Jack decides to sneak up on me in line to get my papes. He grabs around my waist to scare me, and he does. I wince and shake as he accidentally presses on my bruises. Feeling me tremble, Jack drops me like a hot cake and spins me quick to face him. "Rosey, what's got ya all jumpy huh? And, and what happened to ya face? Ya got a really bad shiner. Who did this to ya?" I pull my cap back over my face and fiddle with my sleeves, staring at the ground. "No one Jackie, just got into a fight with my bed. Guess I hit my eye last night. I'll be ok. I've had worse, remember?" Knowing better than to try and argue with me, he gives me a once over and buys his papes as I buy mine.

Time passes, a couple months maybe, and Jack needs someone to go to Brooklyn. "Hey Rosey, I need someone to go to Brooklyn again, we've got some problems with The Bronx, they're not doing right by the compromise from the strike. Ya know how Brooklyn keeps everyone in line." I flash back to my trip a couple months ago, and what had happened. I start to give excuses, that I'm busy, that I can't miss selling papes again, that I was planning on cooking tonight. "Rosey, I was planning on going anyways, and I was wanting ya to come with me. Ya know, since the bulls aren't big fans of me." Not wanting to let Jackie down, I nod along, knowing that maybe with him, I won't get beat up again. We make our way to Brooklyn, talking and laughing all the while.

Jack and I end up making it to Spot the "King of Brooklyn". As they discuss what to do with The Bronx, I wait outside the building, not wanting to overstep and upset the News King City. I fiddle and fidget, and shuffle my feet in the dirt. Someone steps up and leans on the wall next to me, I look up smiling thinking it's Jack, but instead it's one of the newsies from before. Smirking, he steps closer. I back away step for step until I'm backed against the wall. "Well if it isn't the little news girlie from last time. Thought ya wouldn't be coming back after what we did to ya." I shrink in on myself not letting him get a reaction out of me. "What, newsie got ya tongue? I mean lookin' at your mouth, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to get your tongue." Getting more and more upset, he shoves at me, finally raising his hand to hit me. I squeeze my eyes shut to brace for impact, but it never comes. I hear shuffling in the dirt and peek through my hands protecting my face to see Jack holding the Brooklyn newsies wrist in a death grip. "Who the hell ya think you are? Didn't someone ever teach ya not to soak a girl? Especially another newsies girl? That there is my Rose, and if ya lay another finger on her, I will go straight up to Spot and tell him what happened. He loves my Rose, I don't think he'd be happy to hear one of his boys hurt her." The Brooklyn boy yanks his wrist out of Jacks grasp and storms away, not wanting to upset Jack further and be reported to Spot.

Turning back to me, Jack drops to his knees in front of me. "Rosey girl, is that how you got bruises before? Oh my god it is. I am so sorry doll, I wasn't there to protect ya, I almost wasn't this time. One of Spots boys rushed in and said he cornered you and you were afraid. I am so sorry Rosey girl." Rushing forward into Jacks chest, I just sob, and tell him it's all ok. ''I just love ya girlie, don't want no one hurting my Rosey."

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