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Galleous flipped a diamond axe around in his hands, his spine stiff with worry and anticipation. About two hundred humans and Ardoni were gathered near him, ready to charge at his word.

"Aren't you a little concerned about the very low amount of forces we have defending the city?" A voice asked. It was none other than James Curtis, the police officer who'd escape an attempted execution. He'd since joined the fight for justice and was now his second in command. "I know I am."

Galleous responded with a low whisper, "If we move swiftly and coordinated, then we should be able to make this work." Curtis nodded, slowly stepping away back into his hiding spot.

A quiet snicker sounded from nearby, somewhere from in front and above him.

"Found you, just like when we were little."

Galleous almost shrieked as Thalleous appeared from his peripheral vision, leaping down from a tree branch, greatsword in hand. He rolled out of the way as quickly as he could, yelling at his troops.

"Attack! Quickly!"

Curtis responded to Thalleous' sudden arrival quicker than Galleous himself. He turned to the rest of the forces. "Defensive positions now!" He shouted. Weapons were raised as the defenders stood their ground. The royal blue Sendaris whipped his axe around, feeling it catch onto something soft. Grabbing his brother by the arm, he flipped him over, finding that his axe was half-buried in dirt. Ripping the blade from the ground, he swung the top-heavy weapon at Thalleous again, the rounded end facing the other Sendaris. No matter how dangerous he was, Galleous did not want to kill one of his own family.

"Do not shoot Thalleous!" Galleous heard Curtis order to the troops. "Shoot his forces instead. He needs to be apprehended alive."

Right as he finished his sentence, several Sendaris began threading into the square from many openings. From alleyways, from rooftops, they seemed to be infinite. James quickly whipped his old Droug blaster around, firing crackling orbs of purple energy at a Sendaris jumping down from a rooftop. The Ardoni made it to the ground, though its markings were not blue anymore. Galleous twisted about, his axe swinging through the air with a practised trajectory, but it was obvious the Sendaris' twin had sparred with him before. The two diamond weapons clashed together, refracting the dying light of the sun as it filtered through the buildings around them. Galleous suddenly felt his left arm give way for a split second, and knowing that Thalleous would take advantage of it, turned to the right, passing his weapon to his left hand and running several paces. Turning to a messenger who was staying hidden behind a house, he tossed the man his phone.

"Alert the others, we need reinforcements, and fast. Knowing William, he'll probably be here soon too."

The human fumbled for a moment before managing to call who he assumed was David. Galleous quickly ran from the blabbering messenger and raced back towards Thalleous.

"Say what about me now?" A new voice called. It was indeed William, and his forces too were quickly descending upon all sides.

"Excellent, all of you are exactly where I wanted you." William remarked, brandishing his purple plasma sword. "Today is the day of reckoning for every last one of you."

Thalleous turned his attention away from his brother, charging at the human faster than the eye could see. But William had seemingly prepared well for this. He slammed his foot into the ground, the stomp producing a shockwave that knocked Thalleous back, causing him to stumble, the greatsword digging into the ground.

"I assure you this will not be like last time, Sendaris." William stated bluntly.

A snarl crept along the Ardoni's face, and he readied a fist, cautiously pacing around Lothan. The diamond greatsword now sang with a sinister tone as it moved, the enchantment's gleam brighter than anything in the square.

Plasmatropolis [OLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora